Strategic Decision Making And Resiliency Nigel D’Souza, P.Eng. CAMA ISO55001/2 Asset Management Consultant City of Mississauga
Think about a time…. Resiliency in action Had to get something done, but it was impossible. Had to think of all the options, pick the right decision, but then I needed support to make it happen.
So what? Have common objectives Effectively tell our story Focus on what’s important
The City of Mississauga
334 buildings $2 billion Population: 721,599 (2016 census) Canada’s 6th most populous city Encompasses 288.42 sq km’s 4.4 Million Square Feet 5.6 Million Square Feet 27% 2000 2017 replacement value over $2 billion 334 buildings 298 parks lighting & electrical 229 paved parking lots 5
Where does decision making happen?
Where Does Decision Making Happen?
What do we need to decide? …and how do we know what to do? Operating Plan Maintenance Plan Refurbishment/Replacement Plan …. “Sometimes a feeling is all we humans have to go on.” -Capt. J. T. Kirk
Council Sr.Mgmt. O&M Mgmt. Corp. Risk. Mgmt. Asset Mgmt. Alignment OBJECTIVES Tactical Application
Risk needs to be considered for decisions Example: Likelihood of Failure Consequence of Failure Health & Safety Environmental Compliance Disruption to the community / Public Image Inability to meet process functional service levels All financial consequences (Fines, R&R, property damage, loss of revenue, etc.) Condition Effectiveness of O&M Protocols (SOP) Ability to Meet Functional Requirements Maintainability Operability
Evaluating Options Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) Risk Based evaluation Condition Rating Net Present Value MTBF/Service Impacts/Emergency Work Regulatory Requirements
Are we doing a great job?
Be proud Great things happening in all our organisations …but why!
How many organisations measure results… Met budget Reduced costs More efficient Achieved our ROI (return on investment) Our assets are in good condition
How do many departments measure results Met budget Reduced costs More efficient Achieved our ROI (return on investment) Met service targets
Results Asset Management seeks optimisation for… ‘triple bottom line results’ Economic Performance (Financial performance for stakeholders) Environmental Impact (Sustainability) Social Responsibility For a municipality: Shareholders = Customers
Our Purpose as Asset Managers ‘Our purpose is to foster a community through service excellence’ However… ‘Our responsibility is to support our purpose triple bottom line results’
Our Asset Management Journey PEMAC Asset Management Conceptual Model:
The Relationship and Emphasis on Maintenance PEMAC Asset Management Conceptual Model:
The Relationship and Emphasis on Maintenance PEMAC Asset Management Conceptual Model:
Resiliency for our Purpose Enabling resiliency through decisions Enabling resiliency through support of decisions There is work that needs to be done to support our purpose through our responsibilities.
Enabling Resiliency
Sources of Information Push Sources User identified Modeled Condition Monitoring Pull Sources Desktop review Facilitated review Physical review
How to embed Resiliency Contingency maintenance/monitoring regime Planning for variances in decision outcomes Response tactics RCM RCFA Failure Management Champions Competency and Maturity Evaluations Knowledge Sharing within/between organisations New skills required for changes needed Learning (Developing/Sustaining Competencies)
How do we foster resiliency in Asset Management? Asset Redundancy/Spares Emergency/Contingency plans Enable People with training, information, and tools