Health and Social Care – VCSE Engagement Introduction: Alex Whinnom 14th March 2018
12th May 2017
Shared Ambitions A step change in the understanding and involvement of people and communities in the transformation of health and social care. Better services and support for the public. The development of Local Care Organisations with highly bespoke local place-based characteristics Increased mutual learning and continuous professional development Increased leverage of the talent, capacity and social value of VCSE organisations above and beyond whatever is commissioned from them Effective development of VCSE activity.
Total: c15,890 constituted groups 77% < £10k pa 55% formed since 2000 1,180 1,135 1,561 1,231 1,566 1,513 1,167 3,394 1,455 1,689 GM/c VCSE SECTOR 2017
GM/c VCSE Health and Social Care networks Voluntary organisations , community groups and social enterprises, based in Greater Manchester and accountable to Greater Manchester residents Assembly GMCVO, VSNW, 10GM and other Greater Manchester infrastructure and networks Healthwatch network Equalities groups and networks Health and social care providers Reference Group Other Greater Manchester and locality infrastructure GM Poverty Action Group GM Social Value Network Volunteering GM Ambition for Ageing Linked to Viable communications channels in all Mandated and recognised local infrastructure in some Various models of leadership and organisation Localities
“Engagement” >>> Co-production >>> …….. Informing Consulting Involving Partnership Shared resources Shared leadership ?