British Imperialism
What is imperialism? Policy of extending a nation’s authority by territorial acquisition or by economic/political influence
What helped promote imperialism in Great Britain? The Industrial Revolution allowed European nations the ability to colonize Africa Why Africa and East Asia? Raw materials, new markets, stops along the way to China
How did Great Britain manage their colonies? The 4 forms of colonial control: Colony, Protectorate, Sphere of Influence, Economic Imperialism Britain allowed local rulers to continue to rule but they had to submit to the British Crown in order to keep their political control and economics up
India On your map, locate Great Britain and color it the color of your choice (pg. 922 in textbook) Hang onto that color because you will need it again Now, locate India and outline its political border, using a different color (pg. 928 in textbook)
Agriculture Over half of India is fertile and can be used for farm land In your key draw a symbol that will represent wheat Now, look at the map on the next slide and sporadically include your wheat symbol in the area of the map where you located India
Jewels Now create a symbol for jewels in your key Look at the map on the next slide and include the symbol you created in region 11on your map
Nigeria Look at the map on the next slide. Locate Nigeria and outline its political border.
Oil Nigeria is rich in oil reserves which are used for a lot more than gasoline and engine oil. In your key create a symbol that will represent oil. Look at the next slide and draw your symbol throughout the country of Nigeria on your map.
Cotton Since the British population was exploding they needed resources to make better (and more) clothes. Cotton is a great crop to be able to supply cheap, durable clothing. Create a symbol in your key that represents cotton. Look at the map on the next page and label where cotton was grown in Nigeria.
Burma (Myanmar) Look at the map on the next slide and outline the political border of Burma.
Tin Burma, which is called Myanmar today, is rich in tin deposits. In your key create a symbol that will represent tin. Looking at the next slide, label where tin is mined and use your symbol from the key.
Teakwood Teakwood is an “exotic” wood that many people in Great Britain would pay good money for. In your key, draw a symbol that will represent teakwood. On the map on the next slide, draw where teakwood forests are found on your map (brown regions on the map).
Wrap Up Grab the color you used to shade Great Britain. Go ahead and shade in the countries you discovered today the same color. On the back of your paper, in the box labeled number 3, write a short paragraph about the following prompt: How do you think Great Britain’s imperialism affected people in the areas of India, Nigeria, and Burma (Myanmar)? Do you think this was a positive thing or a negative thing?
Australia Look at the map on the next slide and outline the political border of Australia.
gold Gold was discovered in Australia in 1851* The truth – Gold was discovered prior to this, but the Government in Victoria suppressed the news from leaking out for several years.