UPDATES AT MOHAN 2014-15 While your students were on summer vacation, this is what happened at Mohan!
Mrs. Delgado moved from the Director of Instruction position to our second assistant principal! We hired a second AP!
The After School Program Lost Funding The state suspended funding for YPI We hired 2 former YPI coordinators to work as after school aides The after school aides will direct the after school program The Mohan after school program will begin the first week in September. The new after school aides will begin working the week of August 18th The After School Program Lost Funding
An IPAD was purchased for every student! Every student will now have an IPAD for each class and carry the IPAD throughout the day All IPADs will be issued in the morning and collected at the end of the day through advisory Due to this change we will have a new bell schedule starting the first week in September More announcements about the use of IPADs to follow before September An IPAD was purchased for every student!
Homework folders were created! At the end of next week every student will receive a homework folder with a month worth of homework calendars Every student will use the calendars to track their homework More information to follow next week Homework folders were created!
7th period was added to the schedule! Students who are failing a course or at risk of failing of a course will now attend 7th period. This will be a period like any other period, and students are expected to attend. 7th period will begin the first week in September. 7th period will start at 3:45 pm and end at 4:45 pm (there may be some exceptions) More information to follow before September 7th period was added to the schedule!
Some staff members also…
…got married over the summer! Congratulations Mrs. Rodriguez (formally Ms. Bonilla) …got married over the summer!
…announced a baby girl is on the way (November)! Congratulations Mr. Deford! …announced a baby girl is on the way (November)!
…discovered twin boys were on their way!
Congratulations Mrs. Riley! Expected in January!
And that is what happened while your students were out!