Open my powerpoint, google docs, and canvas Open my powerpoint, google docs, and canvas. Name the google docs March 14, 2017. What did the Nile river do that was important to Ancient Egypt?
. Write your first and last name, Copy this Get out a sheet of paper and head it properly . Write your first and last name, Copy this My child _______________studied the Social Studies guide for 10 minutes. March 13, 2017________ March 14, 2017________ March 15, 2017________ March 16, 2017________
•March 29, 2017 end of grading period •April 4, 2017 early release. Report card pick up •April 17, 2017 April 21, 2017 Easter/Spring Break
Study your study guide every night .
Essential Question How did the geography of South Asia influence the development of civilizations on the Indian subcontinent?
Essential Standard 6.G.1.1 Explain how the physical features and human characteristics of a place influenced the development of civilizations, societies and regions.
What is another word for farming?
What would happen if there was no agriculture?
What would happen if we did not have agriculture?
What is a valley?
How is a valley created?
Name one similarity between the Nile River and Indus River. Name one difference between the Nile River and Indus River.
What does domestication mean?
The people had domesticated dogs, cats, pigs, and buffalo.
Which one of these were the hardest to domesticate? dogs, cats, pigs, and buffalo.
What would be the use of these animals? dogs, cats, pigs, and buffalo.
What do you think would have happened if the animals were not domesticated?
What do you think is most important? Vegetable or meat? Why?
I will now ask you to come up and act out the domestication of a dog.
Play tic tac toe
What does domesticate mean? What are some animals domesticated by the Ancient Indians Name two rivers in India Name two mountain ranges in India How is the Indus River like the Nile River? How did invaders get into India Name the two ghats What is a subcontinent? Name 3 bodies of water that border Inida.
To use for your own use Dogs, pigs, buffalo Ganges, and Indus They flooded and left fertile soil Himalayan and Hindu Kush Mountain passes East and west A piece of land that is Part of another Continent Arabian Sea Bay of Bengal Indian Ocean
Play kahoot