13A + 13B Vocabulary Words Study PowerPoint


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Presentation transcript:

13A + 13B Vocabulary Words Study PowerPoint *English 1 Vocabulary* *Use for Study Purposes Only*

Ad Infinitum Ad Infinitum Infinity Definition: Endlessly Synonyms: Forever, unceasingly, incessantly, and ceaselessly Antonyms: Succinctly, concisely, tersely, and briefly Ad Infinitum Infinity

Apportion Apportion A Portion Definition: To divide and give out in shares. Synonyms: Distribute, allot, parcel out, and allocate No Antonyms found for this word Apportion A Portion

Bona Fide Bona Fide Bones Definition: Genuine; sincere. Synonyms: Authentic, indisputable, legitimate, and certified Antonyms: False, fake bogus, spurious, and counterfeit Bona Fide Bones

Congenial Congenial Generous Person Definition: Getting on well with others; agreeable, pleasant. Synonyms: Friendly, sociable, amiable, and compatible Antonyms: Disagreeable, surly, cold, and standoffish Congenial Generous Person

Buoyant Buoyant Floating Buoy Definition: Able to float easily; able to hold things up; cheerful, hopeful. Synonyms: Blithe, jaunty, lighthearted, and animated Antonyms: Downcast, depressed, gloomy, and morose Buoyant Floating Buoy

Lofty Definition: Very high, noble. Synonyms: Elevated, towering, exalted, and grand Antonyms: Base, petty, low, sordid, and despicable Lofty Loft Bed

Migration Migration Movement Definition: A movement from one country or region to another. Synonyms: Population-shift and Mass-movement No Antonyms found for this word Migration Movement

Perceive Perceive Receive Definition: To be aware of through the senses, observe; to grasp mentally. Synonyms: Notice, discern, and understand Antonyms: Miss, overlook, and be-blind-too Perceive Receive

Clique Definition: A small, exclusive group of people. Synonyms: Inner-circle and coterie No Antonyms found for this word Clique Club

Concede Concede Confessing Definition: To admit as true; to yield submit. Synonyms: Acknowledge, grant, allow, and assent Antonyms: Contest, dispute, gainsay, and challenge Concede Confessing

Perverse Perverse Reverse Definition: Inclined to go against what is expected; stubborn; turned away from what is good and proper. Synonyms: Obstinate, contrary, mulish, and wayward Antonyms: Tractable, docile, mendable, and yielding Perverse Reverse

Vindicate Vindicate Win da Case Definition: To clear from hint or charge of wrongdoing; to defend successfully against opposition; to justify. Synonyms: Acquit, absolve, exonerate, and advocate Antonyms: Implicate, incriminate, condemn, and convict Vindicate Win da Case

Sordid Definition: Wretchedly poor; run-down; mean or selfish Synonyms: Filthy, squalid, base, vile, seedy, and sleazy Antonyms: Pure, noble, opulent, and lavish Sordid Sore

Prelude Prelude Before Definition: An introduction; that which comes before and leads off. Synonyms: Preface, overture, prologue, and “curtain-raiser” Antonyms: Epilogue, postlude, and aftermath Prelude Before

Wane Definition: To lose size, strength, or power. Synonyms: Diminish, decline, subside, and dwindle Antonyms: Grow, wax, amplify, balloon, and increase Wane Weakling

Rancid Rancid Ranch Dressing Definition: Stale, spoiled. Synonyms: Foul, rank, fetid, sour, rotten, and putrid Antonyms: Wholesome and fresh Rancid Ranch Dressing

Versatile Versatile Variety Definition: Able to do many things well; capable of many uses. Synonyms: Adaptable, handy, all-around, and may-sided Antonyms: Limited, specialized, and restricted Versatile Variety

Rustic Rustic Rusty Voice Definition: (adj.) country-like, simple, plain; awkward; (n) One who lives in the country. Synonyms: Rough, unsophisticated, and countrified Antonyms: Citified, urban, sophisticated, and suave Rustic Rusty Voice

Sever Definition: To separate, divide into parts. Synonyms: Cut off, amputate, break-off, and dissolve Antonyms: Join, unite, and weld-togethe Sever Separate

Untenable Untenable Unable Definition: Not capable of being held or defended; impossible to maintain. Synonyms: Indefensible, insupportable, and groundless Antonyms: Irrefutable, impregnable, and incontestable Untenable Unable