Navigate HR Websites / Force Management System (FMS)


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Presentation transcript:

Navigate HR Websites / Force Management System (FMS) SHOW SLIDE: NAVIGATE HR WEBSITES / FORCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (FMS) WEBSITE ADMINISTRATIVE DATA: Academic Hours/Methods 0 hr/5 min Introduction 1 hr / 40 min Conference / Discussion 1 hr / 25 Practical Exercise 0 hr Test 0 hr/0 min Test Review 0 hr/5 min Summary 3 hrs / 25 mins Total Hours INTRODUCTION: Today we are going to discuss Navigating HR Websites / Force Management System (FMS) Website. Method of Instructions: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 5 Minutes Media: Large Group Instruction INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDANCE: Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and identified reference material. Throughout this lesson, solicit from students the challenges they experienced in the current operational environment (OE) and what they did to resolve them. Encourage students to apply at least 1 of the 8 critical variables: political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment and time. SECTION II. INTRODUCTION. FMS Web is an Army System that allows users to access, compare and save unit MTOEs. It is an extremely user friendly system that provides multiple ways to search for information and multiple ways for the user to save the information to their systems. The system must be accessed by your CAC card and you must have an account to be able to use the system. MOTIVATOR:“Imagine that the Brigade S3 wants you to start planning an operation. He needs to know the authorized strength of each battalion. How do you find out? How do you know what Military Occupational Specialties (MOSs) are in each battalion? By looking at the Force Management System Website (FMS Web) you can pull a unit Modified Table of Organization & Equipment (MTOE) and find out exactly the number and type of personnel authorized in a unit and the equipment authorized for almost every Army unit.” “Does anyone know what FMS Web is? Does anyone know how to use it or what it’s for?” Note: Determine students experience and prior knowledge of FMS Web. Advise the students with experience to assist those who are using the system for the first time.

Terminal Learning Objective LESSON OUTCOME: This lesson provides an overview of doctrinal responsibilities, philosophies, and objectives for navigating HR Websites / FMS Web. At the conclusion of this block of instruction, students will be able to communicate, identify, export, and navigate FMS Web. 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCIES: Communication and Engagement Tactical and Technical Competence Lifelong Learner Critical Thinking and Problem solving TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Action: Navigate HR Website / FMS Web Conditions: In a classroom environment, given access to a computer with internet access, classroom presentation, facilitator-led demonstration and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. Standard:: Students will meet the standard when they: 1. Communicate the capabilities of FMS Web. 2. Identify FMS Web login and account requirements. 3. Navigate the functions and sub-functions of FMS Web. 4. Export personnel authorization data from FMS Web. SHOW SLIDE: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE, LESSON OUTCOME, 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCIES NOTE: Inform the students of the Terminal Learning Objective (TLO), Lesson Outcome, 21st Century Competencies SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM 385-30, Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 DD Form 2977 DELIBERATE RISK ASSESMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation 350-29.   RISK ASSESSMENT LEVEL. Low. ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT. Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM 3-34.5 Environmental Considerations and GTA 05-08-002 ENVIRONMENTAL- RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM 3-34.5 Environmental Considerations and GTA 05-08-002 ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK. EVALUATION: NO Evaluation INSTRUCTIONAL LEAD-IN. Understanding HR Websites / FMS Web’s relationship with other HR Core Competencies and Key Functions is critical to your success as an HR Professional. This lesson provides an overview of doctrinal responsibilities, philosophies, and objectives for navigating HR Website/FMS Web. These Soldiers display a progression of competencies and attributes in the following general learning outcomes: (1) Communication and Engagement (2) Tactical and Technical Competence Lifelong Learner Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 21st Century Soldier Competencies are outlined in Appendix C of TRADOC Pamphlet 525-8-2 (The U.S. Army Learning Concept for 2015) are general areas of competence or attributes required by Students and leaders to prevail in complex, uncertain environments. Together, they provide a foundation for operational adaptability.

FMS Web Overview What is FMS Web? FMS Web Capabilities FMS Web was formally known as “WEBTAADS” (Web Based Total Army Authorization Document Systems) What is FMS Web? FMS Web Capabilities Log On Requirements Searching FMS Web Exporting Information from FMS Web URL: SHOW SLIDE: FMS WEB OVERVIEW Learning Step / Activity 1. COMMUNICATE THE CAPABILITIES OF THE FMSWEB Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: Small Group Instruction FMS Web is a website that allows authorized users to look at approved Modified Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE). The MTOE contains a list of authorized and required personnel by rank and MOS as well as a list of authorized equipment for each unit. FMS Web will show current and future approved MTOE documents for each unit. FMS Web was formally known as WEBTAADS which stand for Web Based Total Army Authorization Document Systems. Today we will walk through the various ways to search and navigate thru FMS Web. We will also discuss and show you how to export the data to your desktop for so you can manipulate it in any way you want. Note: Inform students that FMS Web also contains authorization data for Table of Distribution and Allowance (TDA) units; however, the focus of this instruction is on MTOE units.

Check on Learning Q. Force Management Structure (FMS) Web depicts which of the following? a. Current TDA documents (ONLY) b. Future approved MTOE documents (ONLY) c. Current approved MTOE documents(ONLY) d. All of the above e. Both b and c   Q. FMS Web was formally known as WEBTAADS. What did WEBTAADS stand for? a. Web Based Total Army Authorization Document Systems b. Web Based Tactical Army Authorization Documents Systems c. Web Based Technical Army Authorization Documents Systems d. None of the above SHOW SLIDE: CHECK ON LEARNING Q. Force Management Structure (FMS) Web depicts which of the following? Answer: d – All of the above   2. Q. FMS Web was formally known as WEBTAADS. What did WEBTAADS stand for? Answer: a – Web Based Total Army Authorization Document Systems

FMSWeb Login Screen FMS Web requires users to register for accounts CAC card is required for log in SHOW SLIDE: FMS WEB LOGIN SCREEN   Learning Step / Activity 2. IDENTIFY FMS WEB LOGIN AND ACCOUNT REQUIREMENTS Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 Time of Instruction: 10 mins Media: Small Group Instruction You must have a government issued CAC card to log in. Initially you will be required to provide some personal information as well as your unit security advisor or your direct supervisor. This is just in case there are issues with your usage of FMS Web. As with any security information please ensure you read, understand and comply with all security requirements. At this time I need everyone to log onto FMS Web. 1. United States Force Management Support Agency (USAFMSA) is the proponent for FMS Web. FMS Web requires users to register for accounts CAC cards are requires for log in. FMS Web documents include TDA, TOE, MTOE, CTA, and JTA

Check on Learning Q. Force Management Structure (FMS) Web depicts which of the following? a. Current TDA documents (ONLY) b. Future approved MTOE documents (ONLY) c. Current approved MTOE documents(ONLY) d. All of the above e. Both b and c   Q. Which of the following is/are characteristic(s) of FMS Web? a. It requires users to register (ONLY) b. It requires users to have a CAC card for utilization(ONLY) c. Formerly called Web Based Total Army Authorization Document Systems(ONLY) e. Both a and b SHOW SLIDE: CHECK ON LEARNING Q. Force Management Structure (FMS) Web depicts which of the following? Answer: d – All of the above   2. Q. Which of the following is/are characteristic(s) of FMS Web? Answer: d – All of the above

Searching FMS Web SHOW SLIDE: SEARCHING FMS WEB   Learning Step / Activity 3. NAVIGATE THE FUNCTIONS AND SUB-FUNCTIONS OF FMS WEB Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion / Demonstration Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 Time of Instruction: 1 hr Media: Small Group Instruction Once you have access to FMS Web you can begin searching the available information. For the purposes of this block of instruction we will focus on the authorized documents which cover the MTOEs for units. It should be noted now that FMS Web is very user friendly and offers helps and how to guides for unfamiliar users. The great part about FMS Web is that you can’t break it. So one of the best things to do is simply get into it and start searching around. FMS Web will provide you with information regarding the personnel and equipment of a unit. It can show you a list of personnel by unit, rank and MOS. This is invaluable for S1s trying to ensure that their unit is filled with the correct personnel or for planners forecasting for HR support. It can also show you the authorized equipment for a unit such as vehicles, weapon systems and more. This is also the base tool that the Department of Defense uses to allocate personnel and equipment. FMS Web will show current and future authorized MTOEs. This is important to note as you want to ensure that you are looking at the current MTOE to find what you are currently authorized. There is a multitude of ways to look up information on FMS Web. You can search by UIC (Unit Identification Code), by a units name (be advised that going this way could take some time) by a unit’s home-base location or by the unit’s type. With the multiple ways of searching FMS Web makes it simple to find the exact unit you are looking for.

Unit Organizational Chart SHOW SLIDE: UNIT ORGANIZATIONAL CHART   You can even pull a unit’s organizational chart to see what units natively fall under a headquarters. You can get the total number of personnel required or authorized for a unit. This is helpful information for planners when looking at the size of units coming thru or operating in their areas. Note: Facilitate a learner-centered discussion on why it is important to ensure the inclusion of all subordinate units.

Sample MTOE SHOW SLIDE: SAMPLE MTOE   Note: Facilitate a learner-centered discussion on the uses of an MTOE both focused on the S1, other shops in the unit, coordination with HRC and future planning. When pulling personnel information, FMS web can provide a break down of the personnel in a unit. This is further broken down by section, rank and MOS. At a glance you can see the position and the rank/MOS and number of Soldiers that is required to fill that position(s). The MTOE will also let you know if there are any special additional skill identifiers associated with a specific position. Finally FMS Web will allow you to export the information in several ways. You can export information to Word, Excel or Access. By pulling the data into these forms it allows the end user to manipulate it in a format that is convenient for them. Again, for a S1 this is a great asset and wonderful tool. ASK (POLL) FOR QUESTIONS “What are your questions?” 9

Ways to Search FMS Web By Organization By Name By UIC By Location By SRC SHOW SLIDE: WAYS TO SEARCH FMS WEB Now we will actually begin searching thru FMS Web. I will click and you will follow along as well. Note: This portion will be conducted on the FMS Website as a walk thru. The instructor will go thru step-by-step the different ways of searching and have the students conduct the same actions on their computers. The particular units chosen does not matter as long as all students can go thru and find the information. By Organization By UIC By SRC By Name By Location

Check on Learning Q. FMS Web has the capability to show which of the following? a. Unit’s organizational chart (ONLY) b. Listing of personnel by unit, rank, and MOS (ONLY) c. Unit’s authorized equipment such as vehicles and weapons system (ONLY) d. All of the above e. Both b and c   Q. Which of the following is NOT a search criteria used in FMS Web? a. SSN b. UIC c. SRC d. Name SHOW SLIDE: CHECK ON LEARNING Q. FMS Web has the capability to show which of the following? Answer: d – All of the above   2. Q. Which of the following is NOT a search criteria used in FMS Web? Answer: a – SSN

Export Data From the personnel details screen: Click the spreadsheet button (top right) Choose your options and click continue Allow the download and save to your desktop SHOW SLIDE: EXPORT DATA Learning Step / Activity 4. EXPORT PERSONNEL AUTHORIZATION DATA FROM FMS WEB Method of Instruction: Demonstration Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 Time of Instruction: 25 mins Media: Small Group Instruction Note: This portion will be conducted on the FMS Website as a walk thru from the Personnel Details screen Click the spreadsheet button (top right) Choose your options and click continue Allow the download and save to your desktop Note: Facilitate a discussion on how this can be helpful for planners and BDE S1s.

Check on Learning Q. True or False, Can you export data from FMS Web? a. True b. False   SHOW SLIDE: CHECK ON LEARNING True or False, Can you export data from FMS Web? Answer: a – True  

Summary What is FMS Web? FMS Web Capabilities Log On Requirements Searching FMS Web Exporting Information from FMS Web SHOW SLIDE: SUMMARY SUMMARY Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 5 min Media: Large Group Instruction During this block of instruction, we discussed what FMS Web is and how it can assist you in determining a unit’s capability and ability to perform its mission. You learned of the security requirements to log into FMS Web, discussed the various search methods and ways to export the data to a format of your choosing.   CLOSING: By knowing a unit’s equipment and personnel you can assist your commander by knowing a unit’s capabilities based on the Department of the Army authorizations. This can be helpful by knowing what personnel and equipment can be gained by the unit.

Terminal Learning Objective LESSON OUTCOME: This lesson provides an overview of doctrinal responsibilities, philosophies, and objectives for navigating HR Websites / FMS Web. At the conclusion of this block of instruction, students will be able to communicate, identify, export, and navigate FMS Web. 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCIES: Communication and Engagement Tactical and Technical Competence Lifelong Learner Critical Thinking and Problem solving TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Action: Navigate HR Website / FMS Web Conditions: In a classroom environment, given access to a computer with internet access, classroom presentation, facilitator-led demonstration and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. Standard:: Students will meet the standard when they: 1. Communicate the capabilities of FMS Web. 2. Identify FMS Web login and account requirements. 3. Navigate the functions and sub-functions of FMS Web. 4. Export personnel authorization data from FMS Web. SHOW SLIDE: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE, LESSON OUTCOME, 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCIES NOTE: Restate the Terminal Learning Objective (TLO), Lesson Outcome, 21st Century Competencies 5. Learning Step / Activity 5. Practical Exercise Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise (Performance) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 1 hr 5 min Media: Individualized, Self-paced Instruction 6. Learning Step / Activity 6. Practical Exercise Review Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Time of Instruction: 20 min Media: Large Group Instruction