Rising 9th Grade Registration Procedures 2019 - 2020 Rising 9th Grade Registration Procedures
What you will need for registration Student VUE login – your student # and password you use for the school network If you forgot your password, it will need to be reset by your school’s media specialist A copy of the Fall and Spring Elective Registration Worksheets
Completing the Elective Registration Worksheet You will register for a total of 8 electives: 4 in the Fall (Y) and 4 in the Spring (B). Because Health/Personal Fitness is a state graduation requirement, it will automatically be added to all 9th grade schedules and will show up as an elective. NUMBER the elective choices 1-8 in order of preference on your Elective Registration Worksheet before beginning registration. The elective choice will be randomly assigned to either the Fall (Y) or Spring (B) Semester unless a course is designated to a specific semester. If you register for Orchestra, Band, Chorus and/or JROTC, these courses will automatically be added to both semesters. If you register for one (or more) of the above classes, you should number it (them) in your TOP 4 choices. If you register for a Foreign Language class, you should number it as one of your TOP 4 choices. You can only register for one Foreign Language class per year. You may only choose 1 PE class per semester. You may not select a math class as an elective. If you are wanting to double up in math, you will need to submit a double up form: Double_Up_Request_Form Choose your electives carefully. It is our hope that all students get their top choices; however, you may get one of your alternate choices.
Login to Your Student Vue Account
Select “Course Request”
When you click on the Course Request tab you will notice your 4 core classes that your teachers recommended (along with Health/Personal Fitness for upcoming 9th graders) are already entered for you. These are locked and cannot be changed through this platform. While we feel teacher recommendations are made with the best interest of the student in mind, students who feel they are misplaced should follow the instructions below: Upcoming ninth graders who feel they are misplaced in a core class will need to have their parents fill out the online Fall 2019 Academic Core Course Waiver Form: Fall_2019_Academic_Core_Course_Waiver_Form
You will use your Elective Registration Worksheet to enter your Elective courses.
Click on “Click Here to Change Course Requests”
Enter the course number for your 1st choice where is says “Course ID” and click “Search Courses”
When your course appears, select “Request” and then click on “Click Here to Move Request to Selected Course Requests”
Your selected course will appear at the top of the screen Remember if you want to take a fine arts class or foreign language they should be entered as a request, NOT an alternate.
Repeat the procedure of adding courses until your top 4 elective choices are entered and listed on the top of the screen. Upcoming 9th graders will now see a total of 9 classes, 4 core and 5 electives including Health/BPE.
Adding Alternate Elective Choices
Enter your 4 alternate choices just like the previous courses, except select “Alternate” instead of “Request”. Repeat until all 4 alternates have been added.
When you have entered all of your alternates: Upcoming 9th graders will have a total of 9 requested classes and 4 alternates. Once you have confirmed this, “Click Here to Return to Course Summary”. Click Here to Return to Course Summary Requests Alternates
After you have reviewed your classes, click “Lock Course Requests” After you have reviewed your classes, click “Lock Course Requests”. Your screen should show that your “Course requests are locked in”. Once your course requests are locked you will NOT be able to go back and change them.
Remember to Logout We can’t wait for you to be a HOYA!