Propaganda presentations You are going to demonstrate your understanding of propaganda techniques using a piece of propaganda of your choosing. It can be modern or it can be really old…up to you. What you choose to analyze is up to you. You can choose any text type as long as it fits IB’s definition of propaganda and as long as you can find techniques and rhetorical appeals to analyze within your ad. Don’t just list techniques- connect them to the effect on the audience & the purpose of the technique. Presentations will be 8 minutes long and you will be delivering these in your table group. When presenting, this can be as simple as printing out your propaganda text for your group to see and have notes with you, or you can have a PowerPoint on your laptop that you use to present to your group. (NOTE: If you are going to use a laptop, you will need to bring your own on Monday to present) This will be worth 15 points in process and 10 points in participation. Your group members will be evaluating you based on the quality of your presentation and the accuracy of your analysis. You have today as a work period to find your propaganda and put your presentation together. You must submit a copy of your notes/rough outline of your presentation to by the time you walk through the classroom door.