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Presentation transcript:

Do Now Take out the WHIL due today. Once I check it, please put it away. Clear your desks and get ready for the quiz!

After the Quiz Check it over- face down on back table. Grab a paper from back table. On the back, you are going to create four “movie frame” notes for the new movie “The Origins of Hinduism.” Using the information above, describe the four major steps Hinduism took to become a religion today. Draw a picture describing each movie “scene.”

Learning about Religion While we learn about religion, we need to remember some things. People have different beliefs than you do- accept it and learn from it. It is NOT our place to judge other people’s beliefs. In order to understand a civilization, or groups of people, we have to understand their religion. A person’s religion guides the creation of their civilization, and explains why they do certain things.

The Development of Hinduism On the back, you are going to create four “movie frame” notes for the new movie “The Origins of Hinduism.” Using the information above, describe the four major steps Hinduism took to become a religion today. Draw a picture describing each movie “scene.”

The Development of Hinduism 1. The Aryan people brought their own beliefs and religion to India, which was based on the Vedas- a large collection of sacred songs, poems, and teachings. 2. Aryan beliefs mixed with existing Indian beliefs, and slowly over time Hinduism came from this blend and also took ideas from other cultures. This is no one founder. 3. Hinduism became a religion and a way of life. It affected how Indians lived, what they believed, and even how they organized their society. 4. Today, there are many beliefs, many forms of worship, and many different gods all within Hinduism. But all Hindus share certain beliefs.

Do Now If you owe me work, take it out  Copy the definitions for: brahman A single spiritual power that Hindus believe lives in everything avatar The representation of a Hindu god or goddess in human or animal form

VOCAB brahman: a single spiritual power that Hindus believe lives in everything

VOCAB Avatar: a representation of a Hindu god or goddess in human or animal form From the word for "descent" a deliberate descent of a god from heaven to earth

Brahman & Polytheism With your group, you are going to read about the Hindu belief of Brahman, and about their gods. Using the outline, create a concept map: List: Specific beliefs about Brahman and their gods The effects of these beliefs in life in India Afterwards, draw a picture to symbolize Brahman and the beliefs about the gods NB check today

Brahman EFFECTS OF BELIEFS To connect with Brahman, Hindus build temples Doors face east (rising sun) Decorations tell stories of gods Hindus use temples to meditate, give thanks, make requests, and take part in rituals. BELIEFS One spiritual power Always exists Is a part of everything (nature, human souls) Gods and goddesses are different parts of Brahman

Gods & Goddesses BELIEFS Gods and goddesses are different parts of brahman Brahma = creator Vishnu = preserver (protector) *comes as an avatar Shiva = destroyer EFFECTS OF BELIEFS Hindu myths explain gods roles in the world Lead to creation of festivals and holidays Diwali = New Year, “row of lamps;” celebrates good (light) over evil (darkness)

Vishnu as an avatar


Closure Who? Did what? To whom? When? Where? Why? And how?

Do Now Copy the HW due Thursday: Copy the definitions from 114: Section 2 quiz Page 118 #1A & B, 2A & B: MUST BE 3+ COMPLETE, DETAILED SENTENCES Copy the definitions from 114: Dharma Ahimsa

Vocabulary Dharma: the religious and moral duties of Hindus Living and practicing like a Hindu Hint: D for duties Ahimsa: the Hindu idea of nonviolence

Activity for Today With your group, read more about the Hindus belief of dharma and ahimsa. Focus on how these beliefs effect or impact Hindus’ daily lives. On the back, using the beliefs listed, write down the effect of each belief on Hindus. Draw a picture to show the effect of that belief.

BELIEF + EFFECT of belief on Hindus Dharma tells Hindus how to live correctly and honestly. Hindus believe that when everyone followed the dharma of their class, society would be in harmony (perfect balance). Dharma is important to Hindus. Every Hindu follows their dharma according to their class, age, and job.

BELIEF + EFFECT of belief on Hindus Dharma tells them to perform ritual and teach the sacred text. All Hindus value marriage, sharing food with others, and caring for one’s soul. Since everything is a part of Brahman, Hindus avoid eating meat or harming humans or animals. Brahmans are religious priests and scholars in Hinduism. All Hindus have certain values to follow. Hindus believe in ahimsa- nonviolence.

Closure What if… Hindus did not believe every living thing was a part of Brahman?

Do Now Copy the HW for tomorrow: Page 118 #1A + B, 2A + B Complete, detailed, FULL sentences Section 2 quiz  Complete the vocab word: reincarnation.

Vocabulary Reincarnation: the rebirth of the soul in the body of another living being

Upanishads What are the Upanishads? One of the Hindu religious text (books) Why do you think it is important to Hindus? It teaches the beliefs of Hinduism and how Hindus should live.

Karma and Reincarnation The first cartoon should show a Hindu not leading a good life (bad karma) and what happens to their soul after reincarnation. The second cartoon should show a Hindu leading a good life (good karma) and what happens to their soul after reincarnation. Draw one picture and write 1-2 sentences (using speech bubbles) explaining the events in each box. After cartoon- respond to two questions. With your group, read about the Hindu beliefs of karma and reincarnation. Based on what you have learned about karma and reincarnation, you are going to create two cartoons.

Bad Karma Sulay lived a bad life as a Hindu. He disrespected others, ate meat, and liked to beat up his little brother. When he died, his soul was reborn into a lower class (or animal).

Good Karma Mana lived a good life as a Hindu. She followed her dharma (religious duties) by respecting others, praying, and worshipping the gods. When she died, her soul was reincarnated into a higher class. Eventually, her good karma allowed her soul to be united with Brahman.

After you finish the cartoons, respond to these two questions: How do the ideas of karma and reincarnation connect? Karma (good + bad behavior) determines how a Hindu’s soul will be reincarnated. Good karma = reborn into higher class Bad karma = reborn into lower class or animal How does karma connect to the caste system? According to karma, a person’s class in the caste system depended on how well or badly you have behaved in past lives.

So… what’s going on in this picture? What happens at the end?

Do Now Take out your WHIL due today. Copy the HW: section 2 quiz on Monday. Respond in your DO NOW: What are some ways that Hindus practice their religion?

Short video on Hindu practices 1. Yoga is a form of training that Hindus use to break free from the cycle of __________. 2. Karma yoga is the path of right actions. By leading a life of selfless service, the person _____________. 3. In Hindu temples, it is custom for devotees to bring offering for the gods, such as ___________________.

Short video on Hindu practices 1. Yoga is a form of training that Hindus use to break free from the cycle of reincarnation. 2. Karma yoga is the path of right actions. By leading a life of selfless service, the person grows spiritually. 3. In Hindu temples, it is custom for devotees to bring offering for the gods, such as food, incense, or flowers.

The Practices of Hinduism