To begin the narration, switch to Slide View and wiggle the mouse over the text on the slide. Please see the accompanying documentation for information about authoring scripts and the command syntax. A short summary is included in the next Notes page. You can put any text that you want right here as long as it is above the demarcation line below (you might want to think of it as the magic marker). ^*#{}#*^ SHOW james, james.acs, 83, 80 SAY Hello! SLIDE 2=SAY Why don’t we go to the next slide?
To begin the narration, move the cursor over the title. Jesus Died on the Cross Jesus Died on the Cross To begin the narration, switch to Slide View and wiggle the mouse over the text on the slide. ^*#{}#*^ 1) SHOW james, james.acs, 30,55 1) SAY Hello again, Welcome to Sunday School! I’m glad you’re here today. 1) PLAY Greet 1) SAY I am James, your computer teacher for this morning. 1) PLAY Explain SLIDE 3 = 1) SAY Today we’ll study together how Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty you and I owe because we sin against God. To begin the narration, move the cursor over the title. NOTE: This is the version of the Presentation Narrator written specifically for Microsoft PowerPoint 97.
^*#{}#*^ 2) PLAY Explain 2) SAY The night had been long. We arrested Jesus about midnight. Those chief priests were certain that He had committed a great crime. 2) PLAY RestPose SLIDE 4 = 2) SAY We marched Jesus to the High Priest. While we were at his house, we put a blindfold on Jesus. Some of the soldiers hit him and demanded that He tell them who did it. Others insulted Him
^*#{}#*^ 2) PLAY LookLeft 2) SAY Then we were ordered to take Jesus to {Pilot=Pilate}, the governor. He could not find anything to charge Jesus with and wanted to let Him go. 2) PLAY RestPose SLIDE 5 = 2) SAY But the chief priests and people demanded that {Pilot=Pilate} do away with Jesus. They wanted {Pilot=Pilate} to release Barabbas, who was a murderer.
^*#{}#*^ 2) MOVE 70,60 2) PLAY Suggest 2) SAY {Pilot=Pilate} could not convince the people to let Jesus go. They started to shout, \EMP\ “Crucify Him!” 2) PLAY RestPose SLIDE 6 = 2) SAY {Pilot=Pilate} sent Jesus to Herod. Even Herod could not find that Jesus had done anything wrong.
^*#{}#*^ 2) PLAY Confused SLIDE 7 = 2) SAY Then we marched Him back to {Pilot=Pilate} . Then {Pilot=Pilate} decided to let the people have their way.
^*#{}#*^ 2) PLAY LookRight SLIDE 8 = 2) SAY The first step in crucifixion was to scourge the convicted criminal with a lash with metal or bone chips tied in the ends of the cords. Two soldiers took turns lashing the prisoner.
^*#{}#*^ 2) MOVE 60,30 2) PLAY GestureRight SLIDE 9 = 2) SAY The Roman army had the custom of requiring a prisoner to carry the cross beam of his own cross. We would march Jesus through the city to the crucifixion site. But Jesus was weak from the beatings, from going without food and water, and from being up all night.
^*#{}#*^ 2) MOVE 0,60 2) PLAY GestureLeft SLIDE 10 = 2) SAY So, one of my fellow soldiers made Simon from Cyrene carry Jesus’ cross. A lot of people were in Jerusalem, and it was hard to get through the crowd on the narrow streets.
^*#{}#*^ 2) MOVE 40,60 2) PLAY LookUp 2) SAY Finally we got to Golgotha, the place of crucifixion. SLIDE 11 = 2) MOVE 10,60
^*#{}#*^ 2) PLAY Sad SLIDE 12 = 2) SAY We hammered the nails in the hands and feet of Jesus, and the other two criminals that were crucified with Him.
^*#{}#*^ 2) PLAY Read 2) SAY We had been ordered to put a sign above Jesus’ head. The sign {red=read}, “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.” 2) PLAY ReadReturn 2) PLAY GestureUp SLIDE 13 = 2) SAY It was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek.
^*#{}#*^ 2) MOVE 10,60 2) PLAY GestureLeft SLIDE 14 = 2) SAY Since the criminals clothing became the property of the soldiers, we cast lots for them. My friend got the tunic of Jesus.
^*#{}#*^ 2) MOVE 10,30 2) PLAY LookLeft 2) SAY One of the criminals shouted insults at Jesus. But the other one told the first man to be quiet. He asked Jesus to remember him when Jesus came into His kingdom. 2) PLAY Surprised SLIDE 15 = 2) SAY Jesus told him, “Today you shall be with me in paradise.”
^*#{}#*^ 2) MOVE 60,0 2) PLAY Explain 2) SAY About the sixth hour, or what you would call noon, it became dark and stayed that way until the ninth hour, or three o’clock p.m. SLIDE 16 = 2) MOVE 60,30
^*#{}#*^ 2) PLAY Surprised 2) SAY Then Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” 2) PLAY Sad SLIDE 17 = 2) SAY When I looked back at Him, he had died.
^*#{}#*^ 2) MOVE 10,30 2) PLAY Think 2) SAY With all I had seen that day, I knew that this man was no ordinary man. 2) PLAY Pleased SLIDE 18 = 2) SAY I praised God and declared that Jesus was a righteous man.
^*#{}#*^ 2) MOVE 60,30 2) PLAY Sad SLIDE 19 = 2) SAY Joseph, from Arimathea, came to get the body of Jesus. He wrapped the body carefully and carried it to a tomb not far away.
^*#{}#*^ 2) PLAY Confused SLIDE 20 = 2) SAY We even had to stand guard there. Some of the women who had been there all day stayed to watch Joseph, but they hurried away just before sundown.
^*#{}#*^ 2) PLAY Think 2) SAY Somehow I know that that day was the most important day in all of history. 2) PLAY RestPose 2) SAY Thanks for listening to my story. I hope I helped you understand what happened on the day Jesus died. 2) PLAY Wave 2) SAY I’ve got to go stand watch now, but James will be back in just a minute. 2) HIDE SHOW james, james.acs, 60,30 MOVE 40,40 SAY Thanks, Julius, for sharing what you experienced on the day Jesus died. PLAY Explain SAY Jesus went to the cross knowing the pain and humiliation he would have to suffer. But he chose to go through that terrible death for the sins of all people. PLAY Alert SAY The Bible says that God showed His love for us, in that while we were sinners, Jesus died for us. PLAY Pleased SAY That’s really good news! PLAY Wave SAY That’s it for today! See you soon! HIDE END