To Do list, open items as of 10-Feb \ Study threshold dependence on bunch length (Just changed Vrf to 4.5.


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Presentation transcript:

To Do list, open items as of 10-Feb-06 ------------------------------------- \ Study threshold dependence on bunch length (Just changed Vrf to 4.5 MV) 4.5 MV running indicates very little sensitivity, if any • Change LCW temperature in IR 2 (UW, CEF) • Run QD4R chamber uncooled with low beam. Leak?? (MAC,tbd) • Run with a warm NEG. Threshold?? (S.DeB, SE, MS) √ Steer to minimize HOMs in VP3027. Threshold?? (JLT, done Saturday Feb 4) No significant effect on spikes. New items: √ Redo some of the NEG heating expts.(MS, SE) Done, have pressure profiles w/o 3027 pumps. √ Inject gas into chamber to see effect on beam stability (AK). Done & took data. Being moved to 3027. \ Ask Ross & McCormick to look at the acoustic monitors.(UW) Done, McCormick back Friday, Ross no answer. \ Again, induce instability & transverse abort. Vacuum spike? Done for LER, no spikes √ Turn off VP3027 VP3027 has been removed. • Check incoming absorbers for power difference before/after LER +25-m collimator (SDeB) • Run vertically separated • make large static orbit oscillations & look for vacuum activity • Run with BaBar threshold raised by factor 100 • Can the HER fan hit "soft spots" and cause trouble? \ Single beam HER running Need to raise rf limit before this is meaningful • More orbit issues? (FJD) \ Checkout & tune up LER TFB RCVR 2 has transient & Y-offset problem. √ Do a systematic HER vs LER study Done, see peplog • Change temperature of 3027 absorber (SE, MS). Need to focus on the components in LER Q4 and Q5 chamber (NEG, Absorber)