Socio = Companion, Friend ROOT WORDS Socio = Companion, Friend
Antisocial Against the basic rules of a group: harmful to the people in a group.
Associate A fellow worker or friend (usually related to an office)
Association A group of people who have gathered based on similar goals or beliefs.
Disassociate To break ties with a group; to end a friendship; to sever a relationship.
Social Friendly; a person who enjoys companions.
Socialite A person who is important or of high rank within a specific, usually fashionable group.
Sociogram A diagram that represents each person’s friends in a classroom.
Sociology The study of how people get along.
Sociopath A person who suffers from an antisocial mental disorder.
Unsocial Not social; having or showing a dislike for others in a group.
The End!!! Take your grammar folders home on Thursday to study for your test on Friday!