1 Timothy 3:14-16 The Church
I. Put It In Writing 14,15a Teaching Sending Writing 1. Jesus 2. Paul and Timothy 1 Timothy 3:14, 15a Application 1 Application 2
II. The Church 15b The Church 15b The house of God Application The church of the living God The pillar and ground of the truth
III. Mystery Hymn of The Truth 16 Heart of 1 Timothy. But what is it? B. Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness 16a =without dispute, great is the mystery which is in the truths of the Christian religion C. Six great mystery truths of the Christian religion 1. God was manifested in the flesh – the incarnation 2. … justified in the Spirit – vindication including the resurrection 3. … seen by angels – things which angels long to see 4. … preached among the Gentiles - evangelizing 5. … believed on in the world - believing 6. … received up in glory – ascension and second coming Application