Writing a Summary
WHAT IS A SUMMARY? A summary restates the main ideas of an author in your own words. Keep the important or the main points from the original passage while eliminating most supporting details such as the examples and illustrations. A good summary makes the author’s ideas clear perhaps even clearer than in the original.
A summary is generally much shorter than the original text A summary is generally much shorter than the original text. It includes only key ideas and omits the details. Your summary should not be more than 150 - 180 words. (6 to 8 sentences)
It may or may not follow the order of the original. You must decide how all of the ideas fit together. Writing a summary requires more skill than writing a paraphrase. A paraphrase is a list of sentences; a summary is a group of connected sentences, revealing how the author's ideas are related.
How to Write a Summary
Step 1 Preview the article to get an idea of what it is about. Read the title, headings, first paragraph, first sentence of the following paragraphs, and the last paragraph.
Step 2 Then read the whole article carefully. Underline or highlight the main ideas. Be selective. Mark only the main ideas. Write the main idea of each paragraph in the margin and also make notes about the purpose of the paragraph.
Step 3 Step 4 Express in one sentence the main idea of the article. Write your first draft, using what you have underlined and written simply by following the order of ideas in the original. You can keep this draft.
Step 5 Write a shorter version of your first draft, this time write using your own order on the ideas and make decisions about what information is essential. Step 6 If you are permitted to quote directly, it's usually better not to quote entire sentences. Summarize a portion of the quotation and quote only the most important words.
Step 7 Read your summary carefully to make sure that the meaning of the original article would be clear to someone who has not read it.
Tips If you are having trouble understanding an article, either because its ideas are complex or because its organization is confusing, try writing a short paraphrase of each paragraph. The meaning will probably be clearer after you have worked your way through the article, so you could then write a shorter version of your paraphrase, trying to eliminate those ideas that don't seem essential.
Steps to writing a Summary Read and understand the prompt or writing directions. What are you being asked to write? A summary of an article about what success is. Keep in mind that your writing will be scored on how well you state the main ideas of the article Identify the most important details that support the main ideas Write your summary in your own words (no quotations) and express the underlying meaning of the article, not just the superficial details.
Read, think about, and understand the text Read, think about, and understand the text. Review the material to make sure you know it well. Use context clues to figure out the meaning of any important words that you do not know. Take notes. Write down the main ideas and important details of the article. Write a thesis statement. In a single sentence, state the main idea of the article. The thesis statement should mention the underlying meaning of the article, not just the superficial details.
Proofread and edit. Check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation Proofread and edit. Check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Is the verb tense consistent? Are all names spelled correctly and capitalized? Revise. Have you captured the main point of the article? Have you included the most important details? Are there transitional words and phrases to connect ideas?