Processing This is Processing Dues Payments On-line USE THIS SLIDE FOR ANY LOCALIZATION NEEDED – POST, DISTRICT, DEPARTMENT OR DIVISIONAL CONTACTS AS APPROPRIATE. If not needed – delete text box and leave the space blank
PROCESSING MEMBERSHIP ON-LINE Processing Membership On-line with MyLegion: Requires Utilizing Echeck electronic payments via Automated Clearing House (ACH) Eliminates sending paper-checks to the Department Headquarters Eliminates sending the National/Department portions of the (3-part) of membership cards
Membership/Post Processing - Process Membership Submit Batch for Processing Manage Payment Method explains how to set up electronic payments with your bank. If bank information is not properly entered, the Submit Batch Confirmation will not appear. After submitting the batch for processing, the “Process Membership” form will show the batch in a pending status. Once the transaction has completed processing in the ACH network, the Transmittal Status will change to “Processed.” Once submitted, changes cannot be made to the batch. If needed, adjustments can be requested through your department once the transmittal processes. Allow up to seven (7) business days for the transaction to clear through the ACH network. When your batch is complete, click “Submit Batch” to initiate payment. Note: If bank information is not entered, the Submit Batch option will not be available. To enter bank information, select the Back button for the link to Manage Payment Method. March 2018
Membership/Post Processing - Process Membership Manage Payment Method The per capita dues payments made in MyLegion are done electronically. Echeck is the only payment method available when using this feature. The account must be a valid business checking or savings account held with a US Bank. The Post account will be held until the first Echeck completes processing in the banking network. This is only necessary for the first transaction, as we need to make sure all account information is setup correctly. To set up your post’s bank account for online Echeck payments click the Manage Payment Method button. Step 1 – Select “Manage Payment Method”. Electronic check (Echeck) is the only payment method available when using this feature. The account must be a valid business checking or savings account held with a US Bank. Credit card payments are only accepted for foreign Posts outside of the US that do not have a checking/savings account with a US Bank. Your account will be held until the 1st-Echeck completes processing in the banking network. This is only necessary for your 1st- transaction as we need to make sure all account information is setup correctly.
Manage Payment Method To set up your post’s payment method, enter your post’s bank account information, including the Routing Transit Number and Account Number. Once all the required information on the “Manage Account” screen has been correctly entered, the file.
Membership/Post Processing - Process Membership Dues Transmittal DUES TRANSMITTAL Send National per Capita dues + Department per Capita dues To National Headquarters NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Will send Department Per Capita dues to your Department Only submit the National Per Capita Dues and Department Per Capita, in effect at the time of the transaction, to National Headquarters. National Headquarters will send payment of the Department Per Capita dues back to the Department Headquarters office. Do NOT send your post’s portion of your annual dues to National Headquarters. Each dues payment charged for a member is the sum of the National Per Capita plus Department Per Capita in effect at the time of the transaction. National Headquarters will handle payment of the Department Per Capita back to the Department Headquarters office. March 2018
Echeck Processing Guidelines The processing time for Echecks can take up to seven (7) business days. During this period, a “Pending” charge will be placed on the funds in the checking/savings account. In addition, the batch status in myLegion will also show a “Pending” status during this period. After successful transfer of funds to the bank at National Headquarters, the transmittal status will change to “Processed”, and the member information will be updated to the National Database.
Membership/Post Processing - Process Membership Declined Echeck If a Post submits payment for a batch of transactions and the Echeck is declined: The transmittal of the batch in myLegion will be set to “Declined” status. The Post Officer will be notified via email, and the batch will NOT be processed. New bank account information must be entered before you can re-submit the rejected batch. Declined batches may be re-submitted. If not re-submitted within two weeks (14 days), the batch will be deleted. Common reasons an Echeck is declined: 1.) Insufficient funds 2.) Bank Account has been closed 3.) Invalid Bank Information If a Post submits payment for a batch of transactions and the Echeck is declined, the transmittal status of the batch in myLegion will be set to “Declined” and an automated e-mail will be sent to notify the post of the rejected transmittal and the members in the batch will not be updated. Before you can submit a new batch, new bank information must be entered to re-submit. Declined batches can be re-submitted within 14-days. If not re-submitted within the 14-day period, the batch will be deleted. March 2018
Membership/Post Processing - Process Membership Declined Echeck When an Echeck is declined: The Post will be charged all penalty fees levied by the ACH (Automated Clearing House) processor for declined Echecks. The American Legion National Headquarters reserves the right to suspend the “Process Membership” feature for a Post at any time due to a high volume of declined transactions, or malicious use of the myLegion site. Credit card payments are only accepted for foreign Posts outside of the US that do not have a checking/savings account with a US Bank. If a Post submits payment for a batch of transactions and the Echeck is declined, the transmittal status of the batch in myLegion will be set to “Declined” and an automated e-mail will be sent to notify the post of the rejected transmittal and the members in the batch will not be updated. Before you can submit a new batch, new bank information must be entered to re-submit. Declined batches can be re-submitted within 14-days. If not re-submitted within the 14-day period, the batch will be deleted. RCBP March 2018