Tuck Everlasting Vocabulary Chapters 11-16
Elation – to raise the spirits of; make very proud, happy, etc. Decisively – showing decision that settles a dispute, question, etc. Silty – a fine grained, sandy sediment carried or deposited by water
Skittering – to skim along the surface Reedy – a tall, slender grass Rigid – not bending or flexible; stiff Having a rigid framework
Anguish – great mental or physical pain; agony Shrill – producing a high, thing piercing sound Lingered – to continue to stay as though reluctant to leave
Barbarian – a member of a people considered primitive, savage, etc. A cruel person Constable – a policeman Cahoots – partnership; implying scheming
Gallows – an upright frame with a crossbeam and a rope for hanging condemned persons Grudgingly – to give with reluctance Cantering – a moderate gallop; to ride at this pace