Developing Contributor Personality (Part-1)
Concept of Contributor
Characteristics of Contributor Visionary Goal Setter Work for excellence Positive Thinker Assertive Demonstrates Human Concern Revolutionary Creative Ethical Social Worker
The Contributor’s Vision of Career
The Contributor’s Vision of Success
Success according to Contributor Personality External Success Inner Success Good relation with people The excitement of overcoming challenge Beating competition Feeling confident Respect of people around you Proud of Innovation/invention Financial Incentives Self satisfaction of building capabilities among others Promotions Contribution to society
The Contributor’s Vision of Success
The Scope of Contribution In every work, every role, there is a possibility of contributing at multiple levels – contributing to self, contributing to organization, and contributing to society. Explore how you can contribute at multiple levels in your career.
The Scope of Contribution
The Scope of Contribution
Embarking on the Journey to Contributor-ship
How following personalities are contributors?
References i-become active guide. Soft Skills: A Textbook for Undergraduates