System Review Work Group Update to TSS John Gross, SRWG Chair Presented to TSS Aug 24-26, 2016 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Base Case Compilation Schedule 2017 Schedule is approved and ready for use Preparing for 2018 Schedule Review how interchange targets are developed Evaluate grouping of similar cases in 2017 schedule Annual survey to be sent at end of year Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Data Preparation Manual 2017 DPM is approved and ready for use PCC amended approval from TSS approval Remove proposed change to require explicit bypass modeling Remove proposed change to not allow multi-section lines Changes to focus on for 2017 data submission Balancing Authority data Substations RAS models TSS should request PCC to delegate approval of DPM to TSS Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council Balancing Area Why can’t we use existing Area to represent Balancing Areas? Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Representation Log Five year trend of total Representation Log counts Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council Representation Log Recent trend by Area Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council 17HW to 17LW Why don’t they match? Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council NERC SAMS Case Metrics Case metrics developed by NERC Criteria WECC is not monitoring in replog or case checks Steady State Conflicting voltage control setpoints Ratio tap step/voltage bandwidth > 1.25 Rate A <= Rate B Rate B/Rate A < 3 Qgen <> (Qmax or Qmin) Generator power factor > 0.85, Load power factor > 0.5 Parallel transformers with circulating current Generator Rsource/Xsource < 1 Dynamic No exemption for missing generator model Xd’’ < Xd’ < Xd, Td’’ <= Td’ and Tq’’ <= Tq’ 1.5 <= Generator inertia <= 9 Reasonable saturation factors 0.03 <= S(1.0) <= 0.12 0.2 <= S(1.2) <= 0.8 S(1.2) should be within 2 to 8 times S(1.0) Unit with PSS model should have excitation model Should SRWG add above criteria to replog? Phase 1 Case Metrics Phase 2 Case Quality Metrics SAMS - System Analysis and Modeling Subcommittee Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Non-Registered Entity Modeling How do we (WECC) get good model data for non-registered NERC entities? Generator Owner: 20 MVA single, 75 MVA plant Radial systems and local networks Should the WECC cases exclude “non-registered” facilities? More detailed model would be used for local studies If TP and PC have a more detailed model then why not include it in the WECC cases? PC should determine what is appropriate to model How do we improve data quality if no entity is responsible? Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Posting PowerWorld Cases WECC Staff to report Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Model Implementation Schedule Schedule posted Phase 2 renewable models Overcurrent relay modeling Status of DIRECLEN – directional overcurrent model? Western Electricity Coordinating Council
RAS Data Submittal (Slide copied from May meeting) Stipulation and Consent Agreement following September 8, 2011 Outage 35. By March 31, 2016, WECC will have developed the capability for entities to model RASs so that they can be added to its powerflow base cases. PowerWorld-Done, PSLF-Almost, PSSE-? By June 30, 2016, WECC will update the Data Preparation Manual to include the requirement for data submitters to include RAS models in their submittal to WECC. Approve the 2017 DPM WECC will produce the first powerflow base case to include RAS models by July 2016. Entities submit RAS models and WECC produce a base case with the data Posted RAS Files By June 30, 2017, all WECC base cases shall include all (1) RASs, and (2) overcurrent protection relays with inter-TOP impact, known to WECC to exist in the Western Interconnection as of the Effective Date. In the interim, WECC collected and posted so me data on RASs and relays with inter-TOP impact so that entities can model those impacts until those RASs and relays are modeled in the WECC base cases. Any RASs installed in the Western Interconnection after June 30, 2016 and known to WECC to exist shall be modeled in the base cases as soon as practicable in coordination with WECC’s established base case production schedule. Continue submitting RAS models Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council Upcoming SRWG Meeting Focus on training WECC case building process Complying with the DPM Relay Modeling Phase 2 renewable models GIC data collection Jumper threshold Area interchange Transformer modeling Begin executing recommendations from the BCCS Alternatives Task Force Review revised 2016 Annual Study Report Work on 2018 Data Preparation Manual Work on 2018 Base Case Compilations Schedule Appoint new leadership positions Western Electricity Coordinating Council