Author website scavenger hunt Stuart gibbs! Author website scavenger hunt
Your task: You will check out stuart gibbs’ author website and find Five pieces of information. Load the website in the internet browser and then check back to this powerpoint for your list of five things to find.
Open the website in your browser
The list is on the next slide . . . Find the following information and write the answers on your exit ticket: The list is on the next slide . . .
Don’t forget to write the answers!: How was stuart inspired to write the “funjungle” series? What are the names of the four series the author has written? What is the title of stuart’s newest book that is coming out in april? What do the protagonist (main character) of the moonbase alpha series and stuart gibbs’ son have in common? Aren’t the covers of the Stuart gibbs books cool? The cover art is by lucy cummins. Does the srs library have any books written or illustrated by lucy cummins? What are they?
All done? Cool! Go to your next station, but turn in you answers on your “exit tickets” to the librarians.