CIS WG GW – Voluntary Group “Trend in Groundwater”


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Presentation transcript:

CIS WG GW – Voluntary Group “Trend in Groundwater” trenD technical report B. Lopez; L. GOURCY

Last trend technical report versions 13/11/2017 ‘Trend_technical_report_new_V1.docx’ Restructured version 24/11/2017 ‘Trend_technical_report_new_V2.docx’ Focused on chemical trend assessment only – quantitative trend assessment removed Invitation for case studies contributors to amend their parts with figures or schemes in order to illustrate the applied methods 21/04/2018 ‘Trend_technical_report_new_V3.docx’ New case studies 05/10/2018 ‘Trend_technical_report_new_V4.docx’ Last improvements V4 = Final version ? BRGM THE FRENCH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WWW.BRGM.EU

New case studies – last integrations Wallonia case study § Data used § Trend calculation § Trend reversal assessment: Implementation References updated (3 references) Appendix 4: Trend case studies in Wallonia Slovenian case study § Data used § Trend calculation Appendix 5:Trend assessment with STATISTICA software tool in Slovenia BRGM THE FRENCH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WWW.BRGM.EU

Others improvements circabc links for Technical Reports (§ 1.3) References to the Guidance No 15 on groundwater monitoring (§ 1.4) Others minor corrections General conclusion Need to be commented and amended Call for review and proposal  BRGM THE FRENCH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WWW.BRGM.EU

Next steps Perspectives Validation of the document by e-mail exchanges Dead-line 30st of November 2018 Perspectives Second RBMP? Need for a quantitative trend assessment technical document? As a tool that would be needed in various steps of the GW quantitative status assessment: - “ensure a balance between abstraction and recharge of groundwater“ (Article 4) - “The level of groundwater in the groundwater body is such that the available groundwater resource is not exceeded by the long-term annual average rate of abstraction” (2.1.2. Annex V) - “the review of the impact of changes in groundwater levels” (2.4 of Annex II) - “ensure sufficient frequency of measurement to assess the impact of abstractions and discharges on the groundwater level » (2.2.3 of Annex V) Links with future main task “Groundwater quantitative status” of the mandate 2019-2021 climate change - global change BRGM THE FRENCH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WWW.BRGM.EU

CIS country or organisation Updated list of trend sub-group participants CIS country or organisation First name Surname email RO - Romania Ruxandra Balaet UK - United Kingdom Tim Besien EuroGeoSurveys Hans Peter Broers BE - Belgium Serge Brouyere SK - Slovakia Robert Chriaštel NL - The Netherlands Jacqueline Claessens HU - Hungary Réka Gaul Laurence Gourcy AT - Austria Johannes Grath DE - Germany Falk Hilliges PL - Poland (NOT IN CIS LIST) Anna Kostka PL - Poland Kuczyńska FR - France Alexandra Lequien NORMAN Network Benjamin Lopez DK - Denmark Dirk-Ingmar Müller-Wohlfeil Katarína Pilátová CZ - Czech Republic Hana Prchalová IT - Italy Elisabetta Preziosi LV - Latvia Inga Retike Susie Roy Andreas Scheidleder DK - Denmark (NOT IN CIS LIST) Lærke Thorling Sørensen DG ENV Elisa Vargas Amelin Ward CONCAWE Matthijs Bonte BRGM THE FRENCH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WWW.BRGM.EU