FOOD DEFENSE TRAINING Brigiotta’s Farmland Produce & Garden Center, Inc.
Training Topics Security Issues Restricted Items and Areas Visitor Security Shipping & Receiving Personnel Security Isolation Zones
SECURITY ISSUES Potential Security Issues Notify the nearest supervisor, foreman or executive regarding any potential security issues. This includes but is not limited to faulty security equipment, missing security badges, broken seals, etc.
SECURITY ISSUES Suspicious Activity Notify the nearest supervisor, foreman or executive regarding any suspicious activity. This includes but is not limited to unauthorized personnel, unauthorized visitors, tampered security equipment, etc.
SECURITY ISSUES Imminent Threat A law enforcement agency should be contacted immediately of any imminent threat that poses a danger to employees, customers or items in the food chain. After the proper authorities have been contacted notify your immediate supervisor, foreman or executive.
VISITOR SECURITY Visitor Access Visitors with granted access to the facility must log their visit in the visitor log. Visitors will be issued a temporary visitor badge. This badge must be predominately displayed on their person at all times. The visitor badge must be surrendered at the end of the visit. Visitors are not permitted in restricted areas unless accompanied with an employee with proper clearance.
PERSONNEL SECURITY Employee Identification Badge Employees are issued a photo identification badge at time of employment. They are to wear their badge during work hours. The badge must be predominantly displayed at or above the waist at all times. Management must be immediately notified of a lost identification badge. Replacement badges cost $3.00 per lost badge and is deducted from the employee.
RESTRICTED ITEMS AND AREAS Personal Items In addition to the restriction of food and beverages outside of the breakroom (as outlined in the Food Safety Plan) personal items are not permitted outside of the breakroom. This includes, but is not limited to purses, bags, cameras, cellular phones and electronics. Only authorized personnel are permitted to carry cellular phones.
RESTRICTED ITEMS AND AREAS Restricted Areas Employees are prohibited from entering restricted areas. Areas of restricted access will be marked with signage or secured by lock. Only authorized personnel are permitted to access these areas. All restricted areas are only accessible via pin or combination code.
SHIPPING & RECEIVING Delivery Storage Hulls Delivery storage hulls such as vehicle cargo bodies, containers, trailers, railcars, (etc.) that are not in use are kept locked or tamper evident sealed. Keys to delivery storage hulls are kept within the facility in the key locker.
SHIPPING & RECEIVING Returned Product All product returned to the facility must be visually inspected for tampering. If the product has been tampered with, an Executive must be contacted immediately. Under all circumstances, a return slip must be created for returned all product. Management must approve the return and state the action taken on the return slip. The return slip must be attached to an invoice and submit to the office.
ISOLATION Product Isolation Allergens Product imported from outside the United States is isolated from domestic product through the use of lot stickers. Allergens Allergens such as milk, eggs and peanuts are isolated in the facility. The Facility Allergen Map shows the designated areas for allergens. Designated areas are also posted with signage stating the product contained is an allergen.
REVIEW Report any security issues to the appropriate authorities Visitors must report to the office to log their visit Employees must wear ID Badge at all times at or above the waist Personal items are not permitted outside of the breakroom Truck cargo bodies must be locked when not in use Returned product must be inspected and requires return slips Imported items must be labels Allergens must be isolated