CBR-D PPE Mask and Suit
MCU 2/P and 2A/P Masks Current standard issue for MSC Unimolded silicone rubber face piece Single flexible lens Single filter (either side) Two VoiceEmitters Drinking tube Nose cup for reduced fogging
MCU 2/P and 2A/P Masks If neither 2/P or 2A/P fits crewmen, M40 may work better Difference between 2/P and 2A/P: 2A/P can use MicEmitter inside the mask 2 Prongs in Nose Cup hook into Mic insert
MCU 2/P and 2A/P
CBRD Mask Must be donned in 9 seconds Pre-fit masks to make donning faster Pre-adjust forehead and temple straps to proper length All that needs to be adjusted when donning is jaw straps
CBRD Masks At MOPP 2, mask is in carrier, worn on person At MOPP 3, canister should be attached to mask Canister should not be removed from packaging until this point Each canister can only be used for 8 hours in a chemical environment Only 15 minutes use with Blood Agents
CBRD Masks At MOPP 4, masks are donned STOP BREATHING and CLOSE EYES Pull spider-strap over head TIGHTEN jaw straps Press on exhalation valve and blow out to PURGE the mask Cover inlet on canister and suck in for a NEGATIVE PRESSURE TEST to ensure there are no leaks, lens should deform inward slightly
JSLIST/ACPG Suit Protects against CBR for 24 hours in contaminated environment Package should NOT be opened until sufficient MOPP level reached
JSLIST/ACPG Suits Can be worn for 45 days in a normal working environment Only serviceable for 120 days after package is opened Can be washed 6 times Once exposed to CBR, suit must be removed from service and incinerated Suit cannot be decontaminated after exposure
JSLIST/ACPG Suit Gear Jacket w/ hood Pants w/ suspenders Boots Cotton Liner Gloves Rubber Outer Gloves
JSLIST/ACPG Suits Notes on Suits: ACPG boots are worn over regular footwear May not fit over all steel-toed boots Suspenders cross on chest to prevent them from slipping off shoulders Care must be taken to ensure no leaks along zippers/velcro, especially around the mask