Structure of my talk What is it ? Call for Papers
What is it? “Standing Committee of Regional and Urban Statistics” A subsection of the International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) Target: support urban and regional policy by improving the knowledge base
Next Conference in Minnesota, USA Heading: “Understanding Change” Main topics: Social cohesion Economic diversity What statistics are needed to facilitate change? When: 19-21 May 2004
Eight sections of the conference 1. Measuring and understanding change in social cohesion (what are the relevant indicators?) 2. Measuring and understanding change in economic diversity (clusters, competitiveness, innovation, infrastructure) 3. The organization of urban and regional statistics in <country> (political and administrative background, agencies involved, database management) 4. Comparable statistics for urban and sub-urban areas in <country>
Eight sections of the conference 5. Territorial structure and standard regional reference systems in <country> 6. International comparative statistics on social cohesion and economic diversity 7. Quality assurance in regional and urban statistics (timeliness, accuracy, relevance for users, comparability) 8. Measuring the dichotomy between urban and rural development
Please participate ! Deadlines: 15 December 2003: Abstracts 15 January 2004: Notification of acceptance 15 April 2004: Final papers
Thanks for listening ! Any Comment ?