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Title: It’s All About Context Date: 28 April 2019 Objective: Can I identify how the context of the play affects the meaning? Success Criteria Grade/level Key Words 3. I can explain how the context of the text affects the way we read it. All Context Era Gender Attitudes 8. I show an understanding of how the text affects an audience as a drama. Most 13. I can think about how different audiences may react to elements of the play Some Numeracy Ranking our ideas Literacy Oracy: explaining clearly to other students SMSC & Values Considering how our society has changed over time.
It’s all about context LO: Can I identify how the context of the play affects the meaning? Key words: Context Era Gender Attitudes Starter: Brainstorm- what do we know about Shakespeare’s time?
It’s all about context LO: Can I identify how the context of the play affects the meaning? Look at the brainstorm you have developed on your table. Rank your top 5 contextual details in order of which you think are most relevant to Romeo and Juliet.
Context stations: You have 5 minutes to read through your context information and fill in your section of the context grid. You will then be teaching other members of the class about your context area.
What do we learn about this area in the 16th century? How does this link to Romeo and Juliet? Women Honour Religion Family Love
Women: Women at this time were the property of their fathers/husbands. They had very few rights. A woman would be expected to support the views put forward by the male members of her family at all times. A woman’s relationships would be arranged by her father and based on making a sensible economic/ status match for the family.
Honour: Family honour and reputation were incredibly important at this time. There was a strong belief that the smallest insult must be avenged or your family would be looked down upon. Dishonour in your family was considered worse than legal punishment and bravery was an extremely important feature of life at this time.
Relating context: How would a 16th century audience react to: The opening fight scene? A grade- I can link events in the play to context, thinking about how modern audiences would react differently. B grade- I can link events in the play to the context, imagining how the audience would have reacted. C grade- I can make links between the events in the play and the contextual information.
Relating context: How would a 16th century audience react to: Juliet and Romeo’s secret meeting? A grade- I can link events in the play to context, thinking about how modern audiences would react differently. B grade- I can link events in the play to the context, imagining how the audience would have reacted. C grade- I can make links between the events in the play and the contextual information.
Relating context: How would a 16th century audience react to: Romeo refusing to fight Tybalt? A grade- I can link events in the play to context, thinking about how modern audiences would react differently. B grade- I can link events in the play to the context, imagining how the audience would have reacted. C grade- I can make links between the events in the play and the contextual information.
Relating context: How would a 16th century audience react to: Juliet disobeying her parents? A grade- I can link events in the play to context, thinking about how modern audiences would react differently. B grade- I can link events in the play to the context, imagining how the audience would have reacted. C grade- I can make links between the events in the play and the contextual information.
Relating context: How would a 16th century audience react to: The young lovers’ deaths? A grade- I can link events in the play to context, thinking about how modern audiences would react differently. B grade- I can link events in the play to the context, imagining how the audience would have reacted. C grade- I can make links between the events in the play and the contextual information.