Daiva Norkevičienė, Directorate A ESS RDG 2015 Item 4.1


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Presentation transcript:

Results of the Cost assessment survey of production of statistics in the MSs and EFTA countries Daiva Norkevičienė, Directorate A ESS RDG 2015 Item 4.1 ESS RDG 15-16 December 2015

Objectives to better assess the resources used for production of official statistics by NSIs and ONAs to follow the overall trend of the funding allocated for the production of official statistics allow making comparisons between the ESS as a whole and other statistical infrastructures in the world ESS RDG, It.4.1 15-16 December 2015

Methodological issues Official statistics/European statistics ONAs: in most of the cases this information is missing Regional statistical offices are missing Staff: FTE vs head counts Field employees not always are given in FTE FTE numbers for non-permanent staff are not available. Therefore, non-permanent staff is not included in columns 'total staff in FTE' ESS RDG, It.4.1 15-16 December 2015

Methodological issues, contd. Big surveys and research programmes: not mentioned explicitly They are under other costs or under the staff of NSIs or both Costs related to office rent, maintenance, etc. ought to be included Outsourcing: breakdown between staff and cost or only cost ESS RDG, It.4.1 15-16 December 2015

Methodological issues, contd. Cost related: Financial year different Cash vs accrual accounting Changes in the accounting systems during the period of indicated years Some discrepancy due to the exchange of rates. For non-euro countries, evolution in time is partly due to changes in the exchange rates to Euro Confidentiality Any other issue ESS RDG, It 4 17 June 2015

Next steps Discuss methodological issues in ESS RDG 15.12.2015 Who What When NSIs and Eurostat Discuss methodological issues in ESS RDG 15.12.2015 Eurostat Presents a short summary of guiding principles for the second round of the survey on cost assessment of official statistics June 2016 Launch of a second round of cost assessment survey Beginning of the 3rd quarter 2016 (at the latest) NSIs Complete the survey questionnaire By the end of September 2016 Analysis of the survey questionnaire October – November 2016 Presentation of the survey results to the ESS RDG Mid of December 2016 ESS RDG, It.4.1 15-16 December2015