Open Google Chrome and go to the Woodbridge High School website Login = username for logging into the computer Password = password (change it via edit profile – see next slide
Accessing email and SMHW Click on the quick links section and student email Click on edit profile to change your password
Accessing email and SMHW Click on My Profile Current password = password Click on new password and confirm new password Save Profile
Accessing email and SMHW Once password has been changed go back to the launch pad and click on Mail
Accessing SMHW 1. Students must reset their Real Smart Launch Pad password first (Student email link on school website) School= Woodbridge High School Username= computer login Password= your new password 2. You will then be able to login to SMHW use the G+ / sign in with Google button on the SMHW login page username is the student email address (… and the same password as their email password