RSOO Role in Relation to New ICAO Strategies Len Cormier Air Navigation Bureau 27 October 2011
RSOO Role to ICAO Strategies – 3.1 SARP and Guidance Material Amendments, GASP, SSP, SMS, RASG, USOAP-CMA Responsibilities for RSOOs are increasing RSOOs have significant resource constraints RSOOs need to cooperate more and share technical resources and experience RSOO Role to ICAO Strategies – 3.1
Safety Oversight System RSOO Role to ICAO Strategies – 3.1
Safety Oversight System Resources required to Establish (and then maintain) the safety oversight system are extensive even for States/RSOOs with limited aviation activity Resources remaining to Implement the system are often lacking Correlation between accident rates and lack of effective implementation for CE 6,7, (Implement) is very strong One Solution - move resources from Establish to Implement RSOO Role to ICAO Strategies – 3.1
RSOO Cooperative Network RSOOs could establish collaborative network for sharing outputs/best practices Especially important for “new” or major changes to ICAO requirements Example – Amendment to Annex 6 introduced Foreign Air Operator requirements and resulted in a major revision to ICAO DOC 9355 – Manual of Procedures for Operations Inspection, Certification and Surveillance (new program) RSOO Role to ICAO Strategies – 3.1
RSOO Cooperative Network- Example Establish State Foreign Air Operator (FAO) Requirements Collaboration between ICAO, Asia Pacific COSCAPs, EASA, FAA, Singapore Outputs Model regulation FAO Validation and Surveillance Handbook FAO Training Course RSOO Role to ICAO Strategies – 3.1
RSOO Role to ICAO Strategies – 3.1 Possible ICAO Role Assess the resource impacts of all ICAO outputs on safety oversight system Where the resource impact is significant and need is great - Identify champion(s) (RSOO or State) to develop model that can be readily adapted to implement the ICAO requirement Communicate with concerned stakeholders Facilitate and ensure timely delivery of outputs RSOO Role to ICAO Strategies – 3.1
Thank you Len Cormier RSOO Role to ICAO Strategies – 3.1