Thursday, 02 May 2019Thursday, 02 May 2019 WHAT A RELIEF! Thursday, 02 May 2019Thursday, 02 May 2019
How do we get relief? In pairs, brainstorm 3 ways in which we can create relief from tension in our writing. CONSIDER: punctuation, sentence length, descriptive language and sensory writing.
In groups of 4: Consider this passage from “Touching the Void”: void 5.1 extract.doc How does the writer create a sense of relief? Read it in your groups and put an asterisk by any phrase or word that you feel gives relief. If It was in our list from earlier, put a cross.
Now… Find one sentence that you consider very effective and… In your groups write a PEE sentence explaining why it is effective. When you are satisfied we will pass our ideas to our neighbouring groups…
Looking at the sentence in front of you… See if you can improve it – without altering the example- and then pass it on… This time, read the sentence and decide what the best reason you have seen is. I shall write a sentence to create relief. Can you improve it?
Finally: Look at your Sense of Danger piece from last time. Add a few sentences which will give a sense of relief. This work is still not complete… there is no need to rush.