Switch Citizens Online Switch Dorset Helen Dobson 15 Jan 2019 Helen Intros – housekeeping – who’s who Helen Dobson 15 Jan 2019
Helen It was back in February when we first presented to the group so we thought it was worth recapping on the project and what we’re here to do. We’re aware that the Routes to Inclusion group has already achieved so much, but we know that there is ambition to do more and we’re here to support and heklp this group, grow, focus and develop to ensure collectively we reach as many dorset residents as possible and support them to increase their digital skills to take advantages of the advantages this will offer. We have funding to run a number of Switch projects around the UK. Switch is fairly flexible in scope and for Dorset it has been agreed that we will; Build With Dorset CC research team to build on the existing evidence base to ensure that we know where those most of risk of digital exclusion are located. This is really important to help you focus efforts and resources. More on the mapping so far later. Dorset already has this fantastic Routes to Inclusion group in place – we’re here to build on this and work on an agreed joint action plan for the next three years. The group has achieved a lot already. We want the group to achieve more and be sustainable. Some headlines from policy review so far to come. We’re conducting a local policy and strategy review – looking for where the opportunities are for more joint working and trying to ensure that as organisations go through digital transformation, digital inclusion and accessibility sits at the heart of this transformation and is embedded into these programmes from the start. Too often we see inclusion as an afterthought or bolt on and that’s not good enough from our residents more in need of support. We will deliver Digital Leadership training to aid transformation programmes which we know are difficult, but also necessary to deliver better services. We are impressed with the volunteer digital champion programme R2I has in place. We want to support all of the organisation in the group to consider other ways that different types of digital champions can support this work to ensure you’re reaching those most in need.
Switch Best practice – Brighton & Hove and Gwynedd Systemic change Blend of Digital Champions Sustainable B&H 180 orgs Gwynedd 60 orgs Switch Helen Wanted to share some headlines from our two flagship projects in Brighton & Hove and Gwynedd. Both projects and the networks they have grown have been in operation for five years. We think it’s important to point out that the ‘problem’ of digital exclusion isn’t going away. Although the number overall of people who are offline has gone down, over the past couple of years it has plateaued. This is because those who are still offline are the most difficult to reach. Also, organisations are asking more of their customers in terms of skills, so there is always more to do. Another reason why it’s more important than ever to work together and not duplicate effort. One of the aims of Switch is to change the way that organisations think about inclusion, we want to ensure that the digital services organisations provide are inclusive and provision in place for those that will never be able to do things digitally unaided, is built in from the start of transforming services. This is systemic change and it’s one of things we’re most proud of in our work in both projects. In Brighton the project team sit together with the digital transformation team to ensure the inclusion is always a priority. We have helped to transform the way teams work to support residents to do more online. Using digital maturity surveys and speaking with the Customer Service Team to find out the reality of their day to day and analysed where additional support was needed. Being a digital champion and encouraging others to do things online requires skills and confidence. We have provided both face to face and online training using the Digital Champions Network to nurture the team so they feel empowered to support their customers to do more online. We have also implemented new triaging system to sensitively diagnose those who need additional assistance with digital skills; such as those with a physical disability, or low literacy skills. The customer services team want to help their clients but understand the constraints on their time so having the knowledge and confidence to know how to help, where to signpost to additional help and most importantly how to deliver this in an encouraging way has been a game changer. The Digital Champions Network also offers accredited courses so it’s great for staff development. In Gwynedd our team assisted with the changes to applying for housing benefit online by floorwalking – ask Dan Housing benefit team – designing form Libraries In both project we have a blend of different type sof digital champion. – more on the next slide In Brighton & Hove, has Key to succrange of Digital Champions across organisations in Dorset. ess of both projects has been the Talk about changes to services and improvements
Different types of DCs we recommend a blended approach
The Digital Champions Network FREE unlimited access to e-Learning Resources Online community forum Session Plans and worksheets HELEN – the Digital Champions Network 19 courses to help support DCs of all different kinds Mozilla Badges 2 CPD Accredited Course – Digital Champion Essentials + 'Using Your Role To Help Customers to Get Online' (good for embedded DCs) Ongoing peer support through the network / mentors and forum Measurement of impact Huge amount of FREE resources only accessible through the One Digital programme We also have a lot of knowledge about different types of DCs and the type of outputs you can expect from each type eg embedded, employed and volunteers
Switch Opportunities from R2I Group? Signposting Evidence from data Digital Champions Network Digital Leadership Collaborative working Switch
Switch Thank you citizensonline.org.uk Helen Dobson Partnership & Projects Manager helen.dobson@citizensonline.org.uk 07824 602 197 citizensonline.org.uk