ការអនុវត្តប្រព័ន្ធកសិកម្មចម្រុះល្អ បទបង្ហាញស្តីពី ការអនុវត្តប្រព័ន្ធកសិកម្មចម្រុះល្អ ១. ប្រវត្តិរូប ២. ការបែងចែកដីកសិកម្ម ៣. ផលិតកម្ម ៤. ការចែករំឡែកបទពិសោធន៍ទៅដល់កសិករដទៃ ៥. ការវិភាគសេដ្ឋកិច្ចក្នុងការអនុវត្តប្រព័ន្ធកសិកម្មចម្រុះ ប្រចាំឆ្នាំ ២០១៥ ៦. សេចក្តីសន្និដ្ឋាន (ភាពជោគជ័យ) We study management because we interact with organizations every day and have a vested interest in improving the way they are managed. Why? Because we interact with them every day of our lives. We also study management because after graduation we will either manage or be managed. For those who plan on careers in management, understanding the process of management can form the foundation on which to build their skills. Even if you do not plan to be a manager, the study of management will help you to understand the way your boss behaves and the internal workings of organizations.
១. ប្រវត្តិរូបសង្ខេប ឈ្មោះ ឈាវ ហុង អាយុ ៥៩ឆ្នាំរស់នៅភូមិសំរោងត្បូង ឃុំសំរោង ស្រុកសូទ្រនិគម ខេត្តសៀមរាប សមាជិកគ្រួសារ៖ ចំនួន៧នាក់ អាជីព ៖ - កសិកម្មចម្រុះ (២០០០) We study management because we interact with organizations every day and have a vested interest in improving the way they are managed. Why? Because we interact with them every day of our lives. We also study management because after graduation we will either manage or be managed. For those who plan on careers in management, understanding the process of management can form the foundation on which to build their skills. Even if you do not plan to be a manager, the study of management will help you to understand the way your boss behaves and the internal workings of organizations.
២. ការបែងចែកដីកសិកម្ម ទំហំដីកសិកម្មមានចំនួន ៦ហិតា ដោយបានបែងចែកដូចខាងក្រោមៈ - ផ្ទៃដីសម្រាប់ធ្វើស្រែ ៤.៥ ហិតា - ដីដាំបន្លែ ៧៤ អារ - ស្រះទឹក ៣កន្លែង (ស្រះទី១ ៖ ទ៨មxប១០មxជ៥ម) (ស្រះទី២ ៖ ទ៨មxប១២មxជ៥ម) (ស្រះទី៣ ៖ ទ១២មxប៤០មxជ៥ម) ស្រះទឹកនេះមានតួនាទីសំខាន់ពីរ គឺៈ ទី១. សម្រាប់យកមកស្រោចស្រពដំណាំបន្លែ និងស្រូវ ទី២. សម្រាប់ទាក់ទាញត្រីធម្មជាតិ និងចិញ្ចឹមត្រី ក្រៅពី ដីស្រែ ដីដំណាំ និងស្រះត្រី ក៏មានប្រព័ន្ធដាំដើមស្វាយ និងប្រព័ន្ធភ្លឺផ្សេងៗ We study management because we interact with organizations every day and have a vested interest in improving the way they are managed. Why? Because we interact with them every day of our lives. We also study management because after graduation we will either manage or be managed. For those who plan on careers in management, understanding the process of management can form the foundation on which to build their skills. Even if you do not plan to be a manager, the study of management will help you to understand the way your boss behaves and the internal workings of organizations.
៣. ផលិតកម្ម ដំណាំស្រូវពូជ ផ្ការំដួល We study management because we interact with organizations every day and have a vested interest in improving the way they are managed. Why? Because we interact with them every day of our lives. We also study management because after graduation we will either manage or be managed. For those who plan on careers in management, understanding the process of management can form the foundation on which to build their skills. Even if you do not plan to be a manager, the study of management will help you to understand the way your boss behaves and the internal workings of organizations.
៣. ផលិតកម្ម ស្រះ ត្រី We study management because we interact with organizations every day and have a vested interest in improving the way they are managed. Why? Because we interact with them every day of our lives. We also study management because after graduation we will either manage or be managed. For those who plan on careers in management, understanding the process of management can form the foundation on which to build their skills. Even if you do not plan to be a manager, the study of management will help you to understand the way your boss behaves and the internal workings of organizations.
៣. ផលិតកម្ម ជីកំប៉ុស្ត We study management because we interact with organizations every day and have a vested interest in improving the way they are managed. Why? Because we interact with them every day of our lives. We also study management because after graduation we will either manage or be managed. For those who plan on careers in management, understanding the process of management can form the foundation on which to build their skills. Even if you do not plan to be a manager, the study of management will help you to understand the way your boss behaves and the internal workings of organizations.
ដំណាំ ក្រូចឆ្នា ល្ហុង ម្ទេស លើរងតែមួយ ៣. ផលិតកម្ម ដំណាំ ក្រូចឆ្នា ល្ហុង ម្ទេស លើរងតែមួយ We study management because we interact with organizations every day and have a vested interest in improving the way they are managed. Why? Because we interact with them every day of our lives. We also study management because after graduation we will either manage or be managed. For those who plan on careers in management, understanding the process of management can form the foundation on which to build their skills. Even if you do not plan to be a manager, the study of management will help you to understand the way your boss behaves and the internal workings of organizations.
៣. ផលិតកម្ម ដំណាំ ត្រសក់ស្រូវ We study management because we interact with organizations every day and have a vested interest in improving the way they are managed. Why? Because we interact with them every day of our lives. We also study management because after graduation we will either manage or be managed. For those who plan on careers in management, understanding the process of management can form the foundation on which to build their skills. Even if you do not plan to be a manager, the study of management will help you to understand the way your boss behaves and the internal workings of organizations.
ចំណាយ (៛) ក្នុង១បន្ទប់ (៥រង - ៥ថ្នាក់) ដំណាំផ្សិតចំបើង ៣. ផលិតកម្ម ចំណាយ (៛) ក្នុង១បន្ទប់ (៥រង - ៥ថ្នាក់) សំបកសណ្តែក ១២ការ៉ុង x ៩,០០០ ៛ 108,000 មេ ៨ឡូ x ១០,០០០ ៛ 80,000 កាចុងអង្ករ ៨គីឡូ x ១,០០០ ៛ 8,000 ម្សៅដំណើប ២គីឡូ x ៣,៥០០ ៛ 7,000 ម្ស៉ៅខ្សាយ ៥គីឡូ x ២,៥០០ ៛ 12,500 អុស ១.៥ គីប 40,000 កំលាំងពលកម្ម 100,000 ចំបើង 30,000 ចំណាយសរុប 385,500 ៛ ចំណូលក្នុង១រង - ១២០ គីឡូ 1,183,000 ៛ ចំណេញក្នុង១រង 797,500 ៛ We study management because we interact with organizations every day and have a vested interest in improving the way they are managed. Why? Because we interact with them every day of our lives. We also study management because after graduation we will either manage or be managed. For those who plan on careers in management, understanding the process of management can form the foundation on which to build their skills. Even if you do not plan to be a manager, the study of management will help you to understand the way your boss behaves and the internal workings of organizations.
៤. ការចែករំឡែកបទពិសោធន៍ទៅដល់កសិករដទៃ We study management because we interact with organizations every day and have a vested interest in improving the way they are managed. Why? Because we interact with them every day of our lives. We also study management because after graduation we will either manage or be managed. For those who plan on careers in management, understanding the process of management can form the foundation on which to build their skills. Even if you do not plan to be a manager, the study of management will help you to understand the way your boss behaves and the internal workings of organizations.
ល.រ ផលិកម្ម ចំណាយ (៛) ចំណូល (៛) ចំណេញ (៛) 1 ស្រូវ 3,670,000 33,750,000 30,080,000 16,875 Kg x 2,000 ៛ 1.1 ភ្ជូរដី 500,000 1.2 ថ្នាំស្មៅ 220,000 1.3 ជីសរីរាង្គ ១០ការ៉ុង 750,000 1.4 ជីអ៊ុយរ៉េ ៤ ការ៉ុង 400,000 1.5 ជីកំប៉ុស្តទឹក 80,000 1.6 ថ្លៃច្រូត 1,050,000 1.7 ថ្លៃបោក និងដឹក 1.8 ថ្លៃអ៊ុំសំអាតគ្រាប់ 300,000 1.9 ផ្សេងៗ 150,000 2 ដំណាំ 11,506,000 35,906,300 24,400,300 2.1 ត្រសក់ស្រូវ 5,735,000 15,431,700 9,696,700 2.2 ឳឡឹក 1,195,000 4,670,000 3,475,000 2.3 ពោត 238,000 780,000 542,000 2.4 ត្រប់ 333,000 1,120,000 787,000 2.5 សណ្តែកគួរ 230,000 720,000 490,000 2.6 ស្វាយ - 1,250,000 2.7 ននោង 20,000 35,000 15,000 3 ត្រី 1,300,000 4,800,000.00 3,500,000 4 ដំណាផ្សិត (ក្នុង១ខែ) 2,455,000 7,099,600 4,644,600 សរុប 15,176,000 69,656,300 54,480,300 ៥. ការវិភាគសេដ្ឋកិច្ចក្នុងការអនុវត្តន៍ប្រព័ន្ធកសិកម្មចម្រុះ ប្រចាំឆ្នាំ ២០១៥ We study management because we interact with organizations every day and have a vested interest in improving the way they are managed. Why? Because we interact with them every day of our lives. We also study management because after graduation we will either manage or be managed. For those who plan on careers in management, understanding the process of management can form the foundation on which to build their skills. Even if you do not plan to be a manager, the study of management will help you to understand the way your boss behaves and the internal workings of organizations.
៦. សេចក្តីសន្និដ្ឋាន (ភាពជោគជ័យ) We study management because we interact with organizations every day and have a vested interest in improving the way they are managed. Why? Because we interact with them every day of our lives. We also study management because after graduation we will either manage or be managed. For those who plan on careers in management, understanding the process of management can form the foundation on which to build their skills. Even if you do not plan to be a manager, the study of management will help you to understand the way your boss behaves and the internal workings of organizations.
សូមអរគុណ We study management because we interact with organizations every day and have a vested interest in improving the way they are managed. Why? Because we interact with them every day of our lives. We also study management because after graduation we will either manage or be managed. For those who plan on careers in management, understanding the process of management can form the foundation on which to build their skills. Even if you do not plan to be a manager, the study of management will help you to understand the way your boss behaves and the internal workings of organizations.