SOHO images of eruptive flares (left) on Nov. 6, 2004 leading to Earthward halo CME (right). SOHO EIT 195A difference image of solar disk SOHO C3 difference image; circle shows Sun size & location.
SMEI Detection on Nov. 7 of Earthward CME that Drove Storm Peaking Early on Nov. 8. Real-time Prediction of Storm Onset made Nov. 7 ~22:00, just before Storm Onset. 03:25 UT 10:10 UT 15:15 UT Top arrows: Main part of Earthward CME loops (see LASCO images). Bottom arrows: A separate CME loop emitted earlier & passing SE of SMEI into the anti-solar hemisphere. Courtesy D. Mizuno
Elongation (deg. from Sun) vs time plot showing SMEI obs. on Nov. 7 (d312) and forward & back-extrapolations Back-extrapolation to Sun suggests onset early on Nov. 6 (311) or on Nov. 5. Likely assoc. is LASCO halo on Nov. 6, but one also occurred on Nov. 5. Courtesy D. Mizuno