POLITICAL PARTY FUNDING BILL Presentation to Ad Hoc Committee on the Funding of Political Parties (NCOP) Date: 2018.05.24
Objects of the Bill Public funding for political parties represented in national and provincial legislatures is provided through the Public Funding of Represented Political Parties Act 103 of 1997. On 6 May 2017 the National Assembly resolved to establish an ad hoc committee to inter alia enquire into and make recommendations on funding of political parties in national and provincial legislatures. On 27 March 2018 the Political Party Funding Bill was passed by the National Assembly and transmitted to the National Council of Provinces for concurrence.
The Political Party Funding Bill Chapter 1 (Interpretation) Consists of the definitions of the Bill (cl. 1) Chapter 2 (Funds) Establishment of the Represented Political Party Fund (cl.2) Establishment of the Multi-Party Democracy Fund (cl.3) How money in the Funds must be invested (cl.4) Management ad administration of the Funds (cl.5) The allocation and payment of money to represented political parties (cl.6) The purpose for which the money from the Funds may be used (cl.7)
The Political Party Funding Bill Chapter 3 (Direct Funding of Political Parties) Prohibited donations (cl.8) Disclosure of donations to political parties (cl.9) Prohibition on donations to a member of a political party (cl.10) Chapter 4 (Duties of Political Parties) Political parties to furnish information to the IEC (cl.11) How political parties must account for its income (cl.12) How political parties deal with unspent money at the end of a financial year (cl.13)
The Political Party Funding Bill Chapter 5 (Enforcement) IEC’s monitoring and inspection powers (cl.14) IEC’s power to issue directives (cl.15) Power to suspend payment of money to political parties (cl.16) Power to recover money irregularly accepted and spent (cl.17) Administrative fines (cl.18) Offences and penalties (cl.19) Reviews and appeals (cl.20)
The Political Party Funding Bill Chapter 6 (General Provisions) Administration of the Funds within the IEC (cl.21) IEC reporting to Parliament (cl.22) Funding of represented political parties by legislatures (cl.23) Regulations (cl.24) Repeal and transitional provisions (cl.25) Short title (cl.26)
The Political Party Funding Bill Schedule 1 Maximum permissible fines that the IEC may impose for contravening the Act. Schedule 2 Contains the substituted set of Regulations.