STATE ENTERPRISE «UKRAINIAN RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY CENTER OF METALLURGY INDUSTRY «ENERGOSTAL» 9, Nauki ave., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166 +380 (57) 702–17–31; +380 (57) 702–17–32 E-mail:
Complex designing of industrial enterprises and objects Set-up of hot-rolled coiled stock steel production
Complex designing of industrial enterprises and objects Setting-up of new high-carbon ferrochrome production of 140 thous. t/year output
Complex designing of industrial enterprises and objects
Twin-strand "S"-type continuous casting machine
Setting-up state-of-the-industry BOF gas exhaust duct
Air protection Complex systems of localization, removal and cleaning of technological and non-organized emissions for all kinds of productions. Modernization of out-of-date gas-cleaning equipment.
Reconstruction of shaft surface gas purification Reconstruction aimed at substituting of three large-sized inefficient electrostatic precipitators for present-day high-performance bag filters with pulse regeneration type BFPR-11000 of 2 million m³/h capacity has been carried out for the first time in the world's practice Reconstruction of shaft surface gas purification
Construction of dust-exhaust system in a sintering shop Air protection Construction of dust-exhaust system in a sintering shop Final content of manganous-containing dust is up to 10 mg/m³ after gas purification
Water protection Completely closed (effluent-free) water supply systems both of particular stages of production and an enterprise as a whole. Effluent treatment facilities against mechanical impurities and oil with using intensive settling, filtration and flotation methods. Development, manufacturing of water treatment equipment (flocculators, incl. thin layer, pressure filters, oil tanks, etc.)