Darphin’s Daily Docket November, 26 2018 Upcoming events Dec. 13- Christmas program at 6:30 Dec. 13- Bulldog Pride at 8:00 (Kind.) Dec. 18- end of 2nd quarter Life principle: RESPONSIBILITY-making the choice to be reliable and dependable A note from Mrs. Darphin Please have your student bring in their items for their costume for the Christmas play. We have the hats for the elves and pirates and eye patches. We have discussed what each person should bring if they can. Also, we need empty toilet paper tubes for an art project. Please send as many as you can by the end of this week! Thank you!! A peek at what we are learning Reading: Knights of the Kitchen Table; The Gardener; Weather Math: line graph; time; fractions Language: guide words; verbs Spelling words- tests Thursday Red: whip, wheelbarrow, whisper, queen, quack, question, twins, twist, king, kick, sunlight, right, dries, ties, tight Yellow: her, fern, hear, fear, deer, steer, heard, earth, beard, serve, fluid, piano, giant, dial, quiet Green: reason, visit, minute, peanut, music, student, meeting, never, human, sneaker, gnarled, thumbtack, whistle, wrestle, knee Purple: tack, lamp, pan, stop, fox, got www.carney.k12.ok.us