Guidelines for the management of wilderness and wild areas in Natura 2000
Tasks Review literature on definitions of wilderness, existing initiatives and legislative and statutory measures in Member States to protect wilderness and wild areas. Establish the link between Natura 2000 sites and wilderness and analyse the role of Natura 2000 network in the protection of wilderness Present best practice examples representing types of wilderness and wild areas Analyse pressures affecting wilderness areas and review the qualities of wilderness and wild areas in terms of resilience and capacity to adapt Present an analysis of the means, objectives and feasibility for restoration measures leading to the development of wilderness and wild areas Describe key ecosystem services provided by wilderness areas and the benefits of these areas for e.g. local communities Provide cases of good practices on approaches for monitoring of wilderness and wild areas, and on typical financial needs for wilderness and wild areas Produce input to draft guidelines on protection and management of wilderness and wild areas Guidelines for the management of wilderness and wild areas in Natura 2000
Task 2: Link between Natura 2000 & wilderness Mapping wilderness & Natura 2000 in the EU27 Datasets on: Remoteness (distance to roads) Population density Vegetation naturalness Wildness as continuum: Wilderness quality index (compare work Steve Carver et al.) Guidelines for the management of wilderness and wild areas in Natura 2000
Mapping Guidelines for the management of wilderness and wild areas in Natura 2000
Task 3-7: Questionnaire Technical details of the area & Natura 2000 site information Description of habitat types / species; connectivity, buffer zones, zonation Key-ecosystem services and benefits Wilderness & wild areas: natural disturbances regimes, conservation objectives, potential conflicts, management of conflicts, statutory/administrative management Rewilding & restoration activities Stakeholder involvement Monitoring: Finances (funding options & used instruments) Guidelines for the management of wilderness and wild areas in Natura 2000
Questionnaire Results 33 responses: Regions: Alpine, Boreal, Continental, Mediterranean Black Sea & Pannonian ? Atlantic, Macronesian & Steppic missing Best practices / contact persons ?
Time path Draft Guidelines To be discussed June 2011with DG Env. Draft Guidance document September 2011 Presented to Expert Group on Natura 2000 management End of the Contract 15 November 2011 Guidelines for the management of wilderness and wild areas in Natura 2000 7
Ideas, comments? & Contact persons ? Guidelines for the management of wilderness and wild areas in Natura 2000