Once chapter 5 Date: Objectives Warm –up – reading journal Read Chapter five Examine ‘Hope’ and ‘Disappointment’ in the chapter Warm –up – reading journal “Once I walked all night and all the next day except for a short sleep in a forest and all night again and then I was home”. Write down this quote. Write down one thought about it (I think, I know, I remember, I wonder. I......) (Show this thought to someone beside you, then share with us.)
Reading pages 38 - 48 11 pages – 11 readers Green card to person who reads best aloud before my time as your teacher is over. Remember the tips Read forward – not down (aim your voice) Proper posture = open diaphragm Slow pace, pause at full stops and commas for breath. Relax, getting nervous affects your voice.
Reflection journal Three tasks Write and answer the questions below. Write a 2-3 line summary of what is going on in the story. Write down any questions or thoughts you have about what just happened. Contrast Felix’s dreams with what actually happens? How does this make him feel? Answer with reference to the text. ‘Felix gets help in unexpected ways or from unusual sources’. Discuss this statement with reference to the text.
There are a lot of feelings going on here. Cool down Question There are a lot of feelings going on here. It matters not just how Felix feels but also those around him. How do the other characters feel do you believe?