Agencies Activities, I*Y and Programmatics Introduction Mike Hapgood, RAL + SWWT Chair (
Followed by Round Table discussion Session aim “… geared towards identifying the next steps towards a coordinated long-term European Space Weather activity” Series of talks on Measurement infrastructures Major agency activities (SEC & ESA) I*Y activities Followed by Round Table discussion
Much progress thanks to ESA (& EU) Extensive set of studies WHERE ARE WE? Much progress thanks to ESA (& EU) Extensive set of studies Requirements, programmatic issues, cost benefit Pilot Project Demonstrates European capability & interest Human networks Workshops, SWWT COST projects Other DIAS
SOME QUESTIONS FOR FUTURE? What European coordination is needed? SpW applications are series of niches Distinct features and benefits No user demand for coordination We must show how coordination benefits space weather science & applications What measurements are needed? Raise awareness of measurements as European asset, build up measurement programmes Link measurements and services!
MORE QUESTIONS FOR FUTURE? How will research lead to new/better services? Raise awareness of knowledge transfer Models are key issue for transfer Do we need a roadmap exercise?
How to move from research to operations? FUNDING How to move from research to operations? Raise user awareness Especially in operational areas of government and industry