Essential Question: How did Greco-Roman political philosophy and monotheistic moral teachings influence the development of democratic values?


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Presentation transcript:

Essential Question: How did Greco-Roman political philosophy and monotheistic moral teachings influence the development of democratic values?

Key Achievements of the Greeks Intellectual – Fostered a curious, independent spirit, that valued each individual human being. Politics - Democracy was introduced in Athens Philosophy – Through studies of man and nature , Greeks created a deep knowledge of human nature that would keep the interest of Western society through the ages. (Ex: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle) Sports - The Greeks gave us the model for the Olympic Games Art – Paintings, architecture, and sculptures set the norms for most of the Western world since their time. (ex: Parthenon & Acropolis) Astronomy – Greeks were the first people who made accurate predictions based only on the human eye Science & Math – First society to find and document common elements and patterns in the natural world.

Road to Democracy Solon introduces limited democracy to Athens created 4 classes of citizens (based on wealth not heredity) only 1/10th of country considered “citizens” Cleisthenes advances democracy attempted to break up the power of nobility (still hold majority of power-counsels king) all citizens could participate Council of 500: democratically chosen, rather than by heredity, only top three classes of property owners could participate and citizens over the age of 30 Pericles introduces direct democracy his rule known as Greek’s “Golden Age” Set up social welfare for the poor $$$- effect of giving people a wage? Greater participation leads to direct democracy Merit vs. wealth

3 Greek Philosophers who: Respected human intelligence Socrates 469-399 B.C.E. 3 Greek Philosophers who: Respected human intelligence Had faith in an individuals ability to seek truth by applying reason and logic Influenced each other, Athens and the future of Western Civilization Aristotle 384-322 B.C.E. Plato 427-347 B.C.E.

Greek Philosophers and the search for truth Lovers of wisdom based on two assumptions 1. the universe is put together in an orderly way and subject to absolute and unchanging laws determined by nature not man. Natural laws are universal, not based on status, heredity, or sex/gender. Natural law as it relates to human behavior comes from (hu)mankind’s ability to analyze ideas of morality and rights not from the state or God(s)

2. Natural law as it relates to human behavior comes from (hu)mankind’s ability to analyze ideas of morality and rights not from the state or God(s) People can understand these laws through logic and reason 3. great! but what is the down side?

Socrates Question Authority? 470 BC–399 BC foundation for Western philosophy Critical thinker, devoted life to the discovery of Truth and moral thought and character A man of reason who obeys a moral righteousness. Founded the Socratic Method that lead to the Scientific Method Strength of individual and collective group was in dialogue, questioning people’s thoughts– free thinkers and sharing ideas. Use logic and reason to question one’s own thoughts No written work left by him, all knowledge of him is second-hand Pushed students/scholars to open their minds to new ideas and question the “norm” (status quo) _- Why??????? Older people of authority and parents did not like Socrates’ method of questioning and thought that he was corrupting the youth and interfering with religion Morally right action can sometimes go against the church and state Forced to drink hemlock and died

Greek Legacy Set enduring precedents for Western Civilization Developed Direct Democracy Empowered the “individual” citizen Advanced art, philosophy & science Promoted a meritocracy vs. aristocracy Developed 3-branches of Government Encouraged questioning of authority Question one’s self- the search for truth-question the world around Heavily influenced the Roman Empire