Sixth Northwest Conservation & Electric Power Plan Updated Wind Power Plant Planning Assumptions Jeff King Northwest Power and Conservation Council Generating Resources Advisory Committee Portland, OR October 23, 2008 October 23, 2008
Proposed capital cost: 8/21/08 GRAC WM LBL LBL EPRI Prop. Dft 6th Pln CEC DOE WM October 23, 2008
Response to 8/21 proposal The $1950/kW appeared somewhat low compared to recent utility resource acquisition experience. So, we collected additional wind project cost information As-built costs for recent projects as reported in IOU filings for rate recovery. Recently reported (200 & 2008) preconstruction estimates for IPP projects. October 23, 2008
Revised proposal $2150/kW (2006$) October 23, 2008
Thinking on future construction costs (Slightly evolved, but still provisional) Costs flatten in 2008 - 2009 Real costs decline to ~ 130% of 2004 values 2010 - 15 Historical costs 2015 > Resumption of historical real cost reduction October 23, 2008