Ross Loveridge – Public Service Reform Group Best Value Uncovered Ross Loveridge – Public Service Reform Group
What are we going to uncover Why Best Value matters to all of us De-mystifying Best Value How Best Value is working in Local Government Revealing what we are doing to refresh Best Value in public services
Best Value – The Best Bits ….
Best Value – Top Line It is about continuous improvement Its about proper uses of available resources – finance, staff, assets It is about customer focused services It is about taking action on equalities issues It is about taking action on Sus Dev It is about joint working
The legal explanation …. Duty to “ensure arrangements are in place to secure Best Value”; This duty means: Making arrangements to secure continuous improvement in performance; Whilst maintaining appropriate balance between quality and cost; and having regard to economy, efficiency, effectiveness, equal opportunities requirements and to contribute to achievement of sustainable development.
The nine characteristics Commitment and leadership Responsiveness and consultation Sound governance Sound management of resources Use of review and options appraisal Contribution to sustainable development Equal opportunities arrangements Joint working Accountability
What’s been happening in Local Government??
Best Value Duty in Local Gov.. Best Value in Local Government –Local Government in Scotland 2003. Supported by new financial freedoms and flexibilities for local authorities Arrangements for public performance reporting Break-even trading accounts Supported by a new audit regime Strong ministerial intervention powers available
What is Best Value delivering in Local Government? Most inspections – showing improvement Corporate Planning Committee and Council structures – delivering on key priorities Business Improvement Expertise Better Performance Management system – but more to do … Strong financial management, but need for better budgeting Increased communication with residents Better joint working
What work are we doing with the rest of the public sector ?
And for the public sector Accountable Officers are directed to run their operations on a Best Value basis - Scottish Public Finance Manual High level Guidance in place But not all public bodies are covered under the Accountable Officer status Public sector is very diverse Best Value – proportional
Desired Outcomes Improved services – through better performance management, better governance, better joint working, greater efficiencies Greater learning and networks for public bodies Greater understanding for sponsor divisions Progress on Sustainable development Better action on equalities issues Better joint working
‘Best Value’ = good public service management - Consistency of approach is what matters; not label
Making the 9 principles happen – key questions public bodies are asking… How can we become Best Value organisations? What good practice already exists? How can this knowledge be managed? What capacity do we have within our own organisations? How will the approach be proportionate? How will we be assessed?
The work ahead Stakeholder engagement seminars (Sept / Oct) External reference group advises on production of materials (Oct – Jan) Draft materials presented to Ministerial conference (Feb 2006) Finalised Best Value regime launched (April 2006)