THE SOLAR SYSTEM BY TIMEARIA A solar system is a group of objects in space that revolve around a star. Our solar system contains a variety of objects.
THE SUN The sun is the largest object is our solar system. The next largest objects are the ones that orbit the sun.
MERCURY Mercury is about the size of the Earth’s Moon. It is covered with craters.
VENUS Venus is about the same size as Earth. Venus is the third brightest object in Earth’s sky.
EARTH Earth is the largest of the inner planets. It is the only planet known to have life.
MARS Mar is the red planet. It is the 4th planet.
Asteroid Belt Asteroids are harder to see from earth. A 199 1 space probe took the first picture of an asteroid.
JUPITER Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter has 63 moons.
Saturn Saturn has rings around it. You can see it through a telescope.
URANUS Uranus is another gas giant. The planet rotates on its side.
NEPTUNE Neptune’s atmosphere is mostly Hydrogen and Helium. It is one of the windiest place .
DWARF PLANET PLUTO Pluto has a rocky surface. It’s covered with nitrogen