Language Arts: Bell Work Monday 8/27 - Get any papers from your folder - I.N. page 18: Tape in quiz #1, unless you want to retake it. - I.N. page 19: Choose one of the procedures that you think is not being followed in class, and write why you think it is necessary to have that procedure. (5 sentences)
Saved by the Snow (Your narrative outline under Bell Work page 19) Introduction: math test tomorrow... Describe Mr. Shultz How difficult this test will be Getting off the bus in the freezing cold Studying when I get home Mom is making chili I study at the island I’m gaining a little bit of confidence in math Heard the weather man Doing dishes after dinner Mom turns on the tv, and I hear the weather man go back to my room to study Wake up to see Snow! Eating Life cereal See the brightness and look out the window I run to grab my phone to text all my friends Conclusion: SNOW DAY! We have a snow ball fight Come in for pancakes and hot chocolate I get an A on my math test the next day
Language Arts: Bell Work Tuesday 8/28 (I.N. pg. 20) “Voice gives writing personality; it shows that the writer sincerely cares about his or her subject and audience” (Write Source 20). Write a paragraph (at least 5 sentences) about an experience you shared with your childhood best friend. Use the tips about “Voice” from above.
SKIP LINES! Paragraph #2 (I.N. pg. 20) Refer to your outline from yesterday for content. UNDERLINE a place in your paragraph where you feel you have strong VOICE in your writing. 5-7 sentences
Language Arts: Bell Work Wednesday 8/29 (I.N. pg. 21) Re-write this sentence using strong word choice... The girl ran home from school. Change 3 words and add 3 words to make the sentence more interesting. Underline the words you changed and added.
Paragraph #3 Wednesday 8/29 (I.N. pg. 21) SKIP LINES! Refer to your outline from Monday for content. HIGHLIGHT or underline at least 10 words from your paragraph you would like to change and make better. Write what you are changing them to in the line above the word.
Language Arts: Bell Work Thursday 8/30 (I.N. pg. 22) Write the quote below. “Effective writing flows smoothly and clearly from one sentence to the next. But it isn’t, by any means, predictable. Sentences will vary in length, and they won’t all begin in the same way. (...)Fluency, gives writing rhythm, which helps make it enjoyable to read” (Write Source 20). Go back to your paragraphs 1-3 and circle the first word in every sentence.
Paragraph #4 Thursday 8/30 (I.N. pg. 22) SKIP LINES! Refer to your outline from Monday for content. When writing paragraph #4, do not begin any sentence the same way as one you have already written. Also, vary the length of your sentences from one to the next.
Language Arts: Bell Work Friday 8/31 (I.N. pg. 23) Use the paper from THE HUB. Practice using the symbols by writing and editing the sentences below... the day I receved my first infraxtion, mrs schneider gave me 3 warnings befor i even got it so I shood of gotten a detenxion rite Then but I I didnt cuz she is so the nicest teacher ever
Paragraph #5 Friday 8/31 (I.N. pg. 23) SKIP LINES! Refer to your outline from Monday for content. (I.N. 19) When you finish writing your paragraph, go through with a colored pen or pencil and make any corrections you may have missed by using the editing symbols. The handout from THE HUB goes on I.N. page 24.