A Peek at the Week in… Reminders Math Reading Writing Upcoming Events Mrs. Vandenhouten’s Class Oct. 30-Nov. 3 Reminders Please sign your child’s reading log and planner every night. Reading regularly increases fluency and improves comprehension. The P.E. classes are starting their Speed Stacks unit this week. A newsletter was sent home if you would like to purchase any. Math In math, we have learned about multiplying and dividing decimals in Unit 3. Students will take the Unit 3 test next week. Reading Blog website www.kidblog.org/class/mrsv608/login We will practice writing from a prompt using this website. We are reading Bridge to Terabithia which is a wonderful story, and students are completing various ELA activities about theme and character analysis using the book to support their understanding of language. Writing Upcoming Events Happy Halloween Text Structure test this week We are working now on identifying different text structures in informational writing. Students are going to be starting a text structure magazine project this week. More info to come.