Music and Audio Computing I 216-306A Prof. Marcelo M. Wanderley Week 11
306A - Music and Audio Computing Week 11 This week's topics: The user interface Scripting in MAX Test - Nov. 22 2001 Definition of Final Projects Nov 15 01 - week 11 306A - Music and Audio Computing
Designing the User Interface The interface is the (only!) connection between the user and your MAX program: It must be simple enough so that the user understands what to do and complex enough to allow him control your application. Huge research field!!! Nov 15 01 - week 11 306A - Music and Audio Computing
Designing the User Interface Implementing different user interface features: Planning the layout of the program (patches) Modifying windows and the menu bar Adding graphics to the patch (week 4) Making decision about the way to present information to/get input from the user Nov 15 01 - week 11 306A - Music and Audio Computing
Designing the User Interface Steps for designing a MAX application (MAX tutorial n. 45): What things you want the program to do, and how you plan them; What information you'll give the user, and how you plan to display it; What information you need to get from the user and how the user can best provide it. Nov 15 01 - week 11 306A - Music and Audio Computing
306A - Music and Audio Computing The menu bar menubar object: allows the modification of the menu bar for the patch or application. There must be at least four menus: Apple, File, Edit, and Window. Commands in these menus can be changed (not all) or added. Extra menu items may be added to the right. Double clicking in the menubar object opens a script editor: Nov 15 01 - week 11 306A - Music and Audio Computing
306A - Music and Audio Computing The menu bar Example: Nov 15 01 - week 11 306A - Music and Audio Computing
306A - Music and Audio Computing Scripting in MAX Scripting is performed by sending messages (beginning with the word script) to the thispatcher object. Objects must be given names in order to be scriptable! (Object menu -> Name) Several tasks can be performed: connecting/disconnecting objects, sending messages, creating/deleting objects. Nov 15 01 - week 11 306A - Music and Audio Computing
306A - Music and Audio Computing Scripting in MAX Message format: Nov 15 01 - week 11 306A - Music and Audio Computing
306A - Music and Audio Computing Scripting in Max Modifications to the window settings: Flags (on or off) title, zoom, grow size of the window Window full screen !!!! etc... Nov 15 01 - week 11 306A - Music and Audio Computing
306A - Music and Audio Computing 306 A - Test! Tests 1 and 2 will take place on Nov 22 (next Thursday) It will consist on questions and exercises about you've learned in 306A Questions will be formulated by Alex and me It represents 20% of the final grade Good luck!! Nov 15 01 - week 11 306A - Music and Audio Computing
306A - Music and Audio Computing Final Project Topics to be discussed soon! Deadline for final projects: December 18 noon (Tuesday) 2001! Office hours: Mondays 2-4 pm Extra course on Dec. 6 2001. Nov 15 01 - week 11 306A - Music and Audio Computing