Elections Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS) Texas Secretary of State Elections Division 5/2/2019 Elections Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS) Keith Ingram July 2016 - Seminar 5/2/2019 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Texas Secretary of State History HAVA designated the EAC as a national clearinghouse for election data. Since 2004, the EAVS survey has been conducted, and collects information on: Voter Registration Uniformed and Overseas Voters Early/Absentee and Provisional Voting Voting Equipment Usage Poll Workers, Polling Places, and Precincts 5/2/2019 Texas Secretary of State
Jurisdictions Surveyed EAVS is conducted for all entities that conduct a federal election. In Texas, this means all 254 counties must participate in the survey. 5/2/2019 Texas Secretary of State
Texas Secretary of State Time of Survey EAVS is conducted every two years, after each federal election. 2014 2016 2018… 5/2/2019 Texas Secretary of State
Texas Secretary of State Why is EAVS important? Good data is important to good policy decisions And it is required by law 5/2/2019 Texas Secretary of State
Texas Secretary of State Why is EAVS important? Federal law requires the survey to be conducted. 52 U.S.C. § 20981, et. seq. 5/2/2019 Texas Secretary of State
Texas Secretary of State Why is EAVS important? Proper completion of the survey means that policy decisions can be based on real facts. Proper completion of the survey means that election holding entities can be compared as apples to apples. 5/2/2019 Texas Secretary of State
Texas Secretary of State Why is EAVS important? Incomplete or incorrect data will create a perception that your county is not following state and federal election law. May lead to citizens believing the county is not following the law. May lead to lawsuit being filed against the county. 5/2/2019 Texas Secretary of State
Texas Secretary of State 2016 – What to Expect SOS will send out information about the survey around late November – early December 2016. You will need to be prepared and ready to enter data! 5/2/2019 Texas Secretary of State
Texas Secretary of State Data Collection Plan Ahead!!! Develop a plan for collecting this data as you move through the election. Start working on gathering VR data. 5/2/2019 Texas Secretary of State
Texas Secretary of State 2016 – Voter Registration You will need: Total # of registered voters in your county for Nov. 2016 election. Total # of active voters; total # of inactive voters (excluding those pre-registered before 18th birthday). Based on VR data from November 2014 – November 2016: Total # of applications received between Nov. 2014 and Nov. 2016 –breakdown of # of new apps, changes, duplicates, rejected apps Source of applications, e.g. DPS. Total # of confirmation notices sent and status, e.g. received back rom voter. Total # of voters cancelled, and reason for cancellation. 5/2/2019 Texas Secretary of State
Texas Secretary of State 2016 - UOCAVA You will need: Total # of ballots sent to military voters for Nov. 2016 and total # of ballots sent to overseas voters for Nov. 2016. # of ballots returned, # of ballots counted (including a breakdown of regular ballots and FWABs) # of ballots undeliverable, # of ballots spoiled # of ballots not counted, and reason why – lack of signature, returned past deadline voter registration data for these voters 5/2/2019 Texas Secretary of State
Texas Secretary of State 2016 - UOCAVA Cont. # of FPCAs, and # of ballots sent by 45th deadline/after 45th deadline # of FPCAs by military voters # of FPCAs by overseas voters # of rejected FPCAs Method of transmission; mail/email. 5/2/2019 Texas Secretary of State
Texas Secretary of State 2016 – Ballot by Mail You will need: Total # of by mail ballot sent for Nov. 2016 # of ballots returned, # of ballots counted # of ballots undeliverable, # of ballots spoiled/replaced # of Annual ABBMs Reasons for rejected of returned mail ballots 5/2/2019 Texas Secretary of State
2016 – Election Administration You will need: # of precincts for Nov. 2016 election # of polling places for Nov. 2016 # of poll workers Age of poll workers Difficulty in locating workers 5/2/2019 Texas Secretary of State
Texas Secretary of State 2016 – Provisional Ballots You will need: # of provisional ballots for Nov. 2016 election. # counted, # rejected Reasons for rejection 5/2/2019 Texas Secretary of State
Texas Secretary of State 2016 – Voter Turnout You will need: # voters that turned out for Nov. 2016 election # for ED, # for EV in person, # of by mail, # of UOCAVA Use of e-pollbooks vs. printed list 5/2/2019 Texas Secretary of State
Texas Secretary of State 2016 – Voting Equipment You will need: Type of equipment used: DRE, optical/digital scan, or hand counted. 5/2/2019 Texas Secretary of State