Detecting Supernova Neutrinos at Neutrino Experiments Shaomin Chen (陈少敏) Center for High Energy Physics (高能物理研究中心) Department of Engineering Physics(工程物理系) Tsinghua University (北京清华大学) 2013年兩岸粒子物理與宇宙學研討會 2019/4/28
Outline Introduction Supernova Neutrino Signal SN Burst neutrinos SN Relic Neutrinos SN Neutrino Interactions at Targets Typical Neutrino Detection Methods In Water and In Liquid Scintillator Background sources Status & Outlook 2019/4/28
Introduction 2019/4/28
SN1987a First observation came from optical instruments. Before February 23, 1987 After February 23, 1987 First observation came from optical instruments. 2019/4/28
SN1987a Neutrino Detections 2140-ton pure water Time accuracy 1 s Threshold: 5 MeV 6800-ton pure water Time accuracy 50ms Threshold 5 MeV w/ ¼ PMT HV off 200-ton LS Time accuracy +2/-54 s Later confirmed by the neutrino experiments. 2019/4/28
2002 Nobel Prize in Physics "for pioneering contributions to astrophysics, in particular for the detection of cosmic neutrinos" 2019/4/28
Puzzles in Measurements “One puzzling feature of the SN 1987a data is that the neutrinos detected by the IMB detector were seemingly more energetic than those detected by the Kam-II detector, which were clustered at low energies.” Phys.Rev. D76 (2007) 083007 2019/4/28
Classification of SN Neutrinos John Beacom, TAUP2011 DSNB=Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background But we prefer to call them Supernova Relic Neutrinos 2019/4/28
Supernova Neutrino Signal 2019/4/28
Model for Core-Collapse SN Stage 3, 4, 5 are expected to be distinguished by the SN neutrino time spectra. 2019/4/28
SN Neutrino Time Spectra 2019/4/28
Time Structures in N and <E> T.Totani, K.Sato, H.E.Dalhed and J.R.Wilson, ApJ.496,216(1998) Model based on SN1987a. Special time structure. 2019/4/28
SN Neutrinos As Probes of MH The original flavor at emission arriving at a detector on Earth depends on the neutrino mass hierarchy. C.D. Ott, et al., arXiv:1212.4250 2019/4/28
Expected SN Rate per Century SN burst neutrinos expected from Type Ib, Ic and Type II SNe. 2019/4/28
Galactic SN Distance Mirizzi, et al. astro-ph/0604300 If a detector is sensitive up to 20kpc, it covers 97% of our galaxy. Core collapse type mean: 10.7 kpc r.m.s.: 4.9 kpc 16% probability < 5 kpc Type Ia 7% probability < 3.16 kpc 3% probability > 20 kpc 10kpc 20kpc 2019/4/28
Candidate SN Close to Us Eta Carinae:2.3kpc to the Earth (SN1987a为52±5 kpc),with a mass equivalent to 100-150 Suns. Near the same bright as normal SNs, predicted to be the next SN or Hyper SN. Betelgeuse: 0.2kpc to the earth, with a Mass equivalent to 18-19 Suns. The brightest one in the sky if our eyes can see all the wavelength. SN1987a 2019/4/28
Supernova Relic Neutrinos 2019/4/28
SRN @ SK 2019/4/28
SN Neutrino Interactions at Targets 2019/4/28
SN Neutrino Interactions in Use Inverse Beta Decay Elastic Scattering On Electrons CC and NC Interactions With Nuclei Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering 2019/4/28
Typical Neutrino Detection Method 2019/4/28
Detection in Water n g ne p p Gd e+ g 2019/4/28
Particle ID at SK Ring pattern diff. used for PID If +/– is fully contained in the inner tank Cone vertex and # of PMT and total charge collected used for measuring Evis Ring pattern diff. used for PID If e+/e– is fully contained in the inner tank 2019/4/28
Detection in Liquid Scintillator n n e t A prompt event correlated with a delayed event Isotropic scintillation light Typical a 8 MeV gamma cascade and a 2.2 MeV gamma 2019/4/28
Summary of SN Experiments 2019/4/28
Background in SN Burst Neutrinos Signal Background 2019/4/28
Spallation Background 2019/4/28
Background Sources in SRN 2019/4/28
Status and outlook 2019/4/28
Expected SN Neutrino Events Kamioande Daya Bay 参宿四 (0.2kpc) 海山二 (2.3kpc) 1987a (51.4kpc) 2019/4/28
SuperNova Early Warning System Individual SN-sensitive experiments send burst datagram to SNEWS coincidence computer at BNL to alert astronomers if coincidence in 10 s Participating experiments: Large Volume Detector (Italy) Super- Kamiokande (Japan) AMANDA/ IceCube (South Pole) SNO (Canada) until end of 2006 2019/4/28
(S. Chen and Z.Deng) Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 166:252,2006 Approaches @ SK 2.2MeV g-ray DT = ~ 200 msec Forced Trigger n+p→d + g # of hit PMT’s ~ 6 n g ne p p Gd (S. Chen and Z.Deng) Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 166:252,2006 e+ g n+Gd →~8MeV g’s DT = ~30 msec GADZOOKS! (J.Beacom and M.Vagins) Phys.Rev.Lett.93:171101,2004 Add 0.2% GdCl3 in water ne can be identified by delayed coincidence. 2019/4/28
Water with 0.2% GdCl3 Solution 5 cm Am/Be α + 9Be → 12C* + n 12C* → 12C + g(4.4 MeV) n + p → …… → n + Gd → Gd + g (totally 8 MeV) 2019/4/28
The 8 MeV Gamma Cascade @SK Efficiency ~ 67% Background probability ~ 2 x 10-4 Distance to positron [cm] 2019/4/28
The 2.2 MeV Gamma @ SK 2019/4/28
Efficiency & BKG Prob. Efficiency ~ 18% Background probability ~ 1 x 10-2 2019/4/28
2.2 MeV Gamma in Neutrino Data 2019/4/28
A First Look Into SK-IV Data KamLand SK-IV SK-I+II+III 2019/4/28
Prospect of SRN at SK Assuming ~70% efficiency. By 10 yrs SK data, Assuming invisible muon B.G. can be reduced by a factor of 5 by neutron tagging. Assuming ~70% efficiency. By 10 yrs SK data, Signal: 33, B.G. 27 (Evis =10-30 MeV) 2019/4/28
SN Burst Neutrinos @DayaBay 4x(20+20)+2x(20+20)+ 2x(20+20)=320 tons Three-hall configuration can significantly reduce false SN alarming by the spallation background 2019/4/28
SN Neutrinos at DayaBay-II 20k ton LS DYB DYB II 2019/4/28
阳江 台山 Status Under construction Power 17.4 GW 18.4 GW 2019/4/28
Outlook Many Physics in SN Neutrinos Dynamics of Core-Collapse SN, Mass Hierarchy Star Formation History, … Rare SN burst neutrinos but copious SRNs Need large volume of target mass with advanced detection technologies A more realistic outlook SK with Gd+H and Daya Bay II 2019/4/28
THANKS! 2019/4/28