Adverbials and Fronted Adverbials Facing your Fears
Adverbials tell us more about a verb. Adverbials can be a word, a phrase, or a clause. hurriedly between the cracks after the noise ended
Adverbials Adverbials tell us more about a verb. Little Mouse sobbed. Little Mouse sobbed with little squeaks. Little Mouse sobbed in the corner. During the night, Little Mouse sobbed. In each sentence, the verb is modified by the adverbial.
Adverbials answer the questions… Where? When? How?
Adverbials answer the question: Where? Little Mouse quivered. Little Mouse quivered behind the door. Inside the cupboard, Little Mouse quivered. Little Mouse quivered with his mouse friends. Little Mouse quivered outside the room. Adverbials answer the question: Where?
Adverbials answer the question: When? Little Mouse ran away. Little Mouse ran away when being brave didn’t work. Little Mouse ran away as soon as the door was clear. After that, Little Mouse ran away. Little Mouse ran away that afternoon. Adverbials answer the question: When?
Adverbials answer the question: How? Little Mouse sneezed. Little Mouse sneezed loudly. With a huge noise, Little Mouse sneezed. Little Mouse sneezed like a donkey. Little Mouse sneezed in surprise. Adverbials answer the question: How?
We can even put an adverbial at the beginning and the end. Adverbials can be placed before or after the main clause. Little Mouse squeaked from behind the door with horror when he saw the knife IDEAS Choose an adverbial and try saying it before and after the main clause. We can even put an adverbial at the beginning and the end.
Fronted Adverbials When an adverbial appears in front of the sentence it is modifying… it is called a fronted adverbial. During the storm, Little Mouse cowered in the corner. With cruel eyes, the spider smiled. Eventually, Little Mouse calmed down. After screaming failed, Little Mouse decided to ask the spider politely to leave. Fronted adverbials are punctuated by a comma.
Adverbials: recap Adverbials tell us more about a verb. Adverbials can be a word, a phrase, or a clause. Adverbials tell us: When? How? Where? A verb happened. after the noise ended hurriedly between the cracks When an adverbial comes at the beginning of a sentence, it is called a fronted adverbial. It is always followed by a comma.
The preposition is part of the adverbial. time place manner Adverbials before after while in on at above below inside outside to on from in with as like Adverbials often open with a preposition. Little Mouse sniffed with tearful eyes. Little Mouse ran through the house. The wind howled during the storm. The preposition is part of the adverbial.
Adverbials Little Mouse hid behind... He dropped his map on… A spider threatened Little Mouse by… As… , Little Mouse felt safe. Finish the adverbial in these sentences. Which question does it answer: Where, When, or How?
Adverbials to build tension Adverbials slow down the action. They are great for building tension. The spider looked at Little Mouse. The spider looked at Little Mouse with menacing eyes. With menacing eyes, the spider looked at Little Mouse. The fronted adverbial makes us read to the end of the sentence to find out what is happening with menacing eyes. Which sentence builds more tension?
Try adding a fronted adverbial to build the tension in this sentence. Adverbials to build tension The spider appeared. With a huge crash, the spider appeared. From the other side of the room, the spider appeared. Just as Little Mouse was beginning to feel safe, the spider appeared. Try adding a fronted adverbial to build the tension in this sentence. IDEAS