Unit 1: Part 2 New Civilizations in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, 2200-250 B.C.
Essential Questions What was the basis of the status, power, and wealth of elite groups in each society, and how did they dominate the rest of the population? How did the technological and cultural influences of older centers affect the formation of the new civilizations? Why did societies in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres acquire complex organizations and potent technologies at different times and in different sequences?
Early China, 2000-221 B.C. Geographic Barriers Isolated civilization What does this have to do with slavery? Geographic Barriers Mountains (Himalaya), deserts, jungles, ocean Chinese encountered nomadic invaders How were they viewed? No slaves because they did not conquer other nations.; barbarians
Main Regions Heartland along the east coast Huang He (Yellow River) and Yangzi River Loess- Yellow soil
China Under the Shang 1750-1027 B.C. By 2000 B.C. the early Chinese began to make ________. Chinese history begins with the rise of power of the Shang clans, which coincides with the first written documents and records.
What was the relationship with the Shang and nomadic people of the steppe and dessert regions? Prisoners of war lead to: slavery
Consulting the Ancestors Divination- Bronze A Difficult Study Kanji Calligraphy Different languages same written system How did chinese language contrast with egyptian and mesopotamia(they were replaced with simpler forms of alphabets). Used in rituals, seeking support on ancestors and gods-weaponry
The Zhou Dynasty 1027-221 B.C. The Mandate of Heaven- In 1027 B.C., the Zhou overthrew the Shang dynasty The Mandate of Heaven- Propaganda- Changes in the new dynasty: Continuity: Divine right to rule; rise and fall of dynasties; decline of priestly power of ruling class (sacrafice, divination)and new philosophy and mysticism Highly decantralized,
Economic Growth Contributions Legalism- Iron in 500 B.C. led to what changes? New roads, increased population Collected taxes, had standardized money Contributions Learned horseback riding, first to forge steel Legalism- Food, large scale irrigation works; human nature is evil. Imposed harsh punishments to keep order, sacrifice for the state
Confucianism, Daoism, and Chinese Society Confucius was born as Kongzi in 551 B.C His philosophy and purpose of teachings: (ren) Know your role Filial piety Government’s responsibility was to.. His ideas spread _____ his death throughout: China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. Rules on how to govern, not a religion; ensure social order and good government, (feelings between family members); provide good government; AFTER
Daoism: The Unspoken Way Not concerned with bringing order to human affairs, instead it sought to live in harmony with nature.
Changes in Social Organization Private property Decline of clans Women in a subordinate position. What Chinese philosophy justified this? Replaced by family
EESPRITE Olmec Chavin