Spanish-American War USH-5.2
I. Causes Spain is oppressing Cuba One of its last colonies Cubans had been fighting for independence for a while Things are not very coordinated or violent Spanish General “Butcher” Weyler was putting rebels in concentration camps
I. Causes Capitalism and industrialism means the US needed… RAW MATERIALS AND NEW MARKETS!!!! Increasing our navy Mahan proposes it is necessary to be a world power Have to look strong Have to be strong
I. Causes Yellow Journalism During muckraking Find horrible stories that are… “true” Bad news sells a lot more papers than good news
I. Causes U.S.S. Maine de Lôme letter Warship was sent to Cuba to protect American interests blows up Probably an accident, but Spanish get the blame “Remember the Maine!” de Lôme letter Spanish ambassador to US says McKinley is weak and just trying to get people to like him An attempt to make US look bad
II. The war US declares war in April 1898 Attack Cuba Defeat Spanish fleet in Manila Bay in the Philippines Attack Cuba Few big battles that are well covered by the press Easily defeat the Spanish 2910 dead, but only 345 from bullets Attack Puerto Rico Also very easy win War is over in 4 months “A splendid little war”
III. Aftermath Land acquisitions Cuba is not annexed to US Treaty gives US The Philippines Wake Island Guam Puerto Rico Hawaii is also annexed Was NOT from the war Used as fuel & trading stops and navy bases Cuba is not annexed to US Platt Amendment says US can intervene in Cuba whenever we want Cuba becomes a sphere of influence We do get a permanent navy base
III. Aftermath US took the Philippines b/c of the access to China We had no intention of giving them freedom Filipino-American War Aguinaldo and the Filipinos fight with the US to get rid of Spain They fight against the US to get independence War lasts 3 years and kills 4,200 Americans and over 100,000 Filipinos
IV. Social Darwinism The people living in the new lands had NO chance for statehood They were too different Insular Cases said the “Constitution doesn’t follow the flag” Conquered people do not have the same rights as US citizens Dred Scott anyone? The same feelings that led to Jim Crow laws at work